On Jun 10, 2005, at 11:20 AM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

Hi Chuck,

Sometimes I am running Formac Studio TV in a corner of my monitor - watching dumb TV while I format parts. Other than that - Dragthing, Mail and Quickeys.

If you're just doing parts, you don't need GPO playback anymore, right? Why not quit GPO Studio after extracting parts? That will free up a lot of resources.

Good idea.

BTW, I'm not familiar with the app, but I'll bet you dollars to donuts Formac Studio TV is a big resource hog as well. I would try to avoid any situation where you had to run both Formac Studio TV and GPO Studio simultaneously.

If quitting GPO while you extract parts isn't an option, why not try listening to smart radio (via RealPlayer or, better, podcasts in iTunes) instead of watching dumb TV? [grin]

Another good idea from a cultured guy! I could certainly miss another Law and Order rerun, couldn't I?


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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