--- dhbailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Johannes Gebauer wrote:
> [snip]>
> > David, I am absolutely certain it won't happen.
> Not unless the way 
> > MakeMusic has been working the last few years will
> change radically.
> > 
> > Johannes
> We've already been told on this list that unless
> whatever engraving 
> changes are requested can demonstrably be shown to
> attract new customers 
> (in other words, to be requested by non-users, to
> whom it seems 
> MakeMusic pays more attention than it does to
> long-time users), we 
> haven't a snowball's chance in hell of seeing them
> implemented.

Okay, since I was the person talking about something
related to this just a day or so ago, I'm going to be
so bold as to believe you are talking about what I
said. And if this is true, then I'm a little ticked
that you are misrepresenting me in this manner.

I stated that when you consider the size of the
professional engraver market, MakeMusic devotes a
disproportionate number of features directly to that
market. These are features that benefit this group and
few other people. I also stated that when MakeMusic
has ideas on the table that can benefit everyone,
including the engravers, it's easier for them to
justify. Is it so damn hard to believe that this would
be true? And is it so shallow to ask that you try to
think of ways to benefit yourself as well as the bulk
of other Finale users? I in no way suggested that you
should ask for features that would help you LESS, but
I did suggest you ask for features that would ALSO
help other people MORE. I can't understand how it
shouldn't be blindingly obvious that features that
appeal to both you and everyone else are preferable to
the company to features which just benefit you or just
benefit everyone else.

And how in the world did I say asking for something
that primarily benefits the engraver's world has a
"snowball's chance in hell" of being implemented???

If you're upset with the features being included,
fine. But don't stretch my words to forward your


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