On Oct 15, 2006, at 4:21 AM, dc wrote:

Doing mostly vocal music myself, I think this is indeed one aspect of Finale that could be vastly improved if anyone cared about it... TGTools already has some helpful plug-ins for lyrics. Perhaps we could talk Tobias into adding to them.

I also did mostly vocal music.

I'm a few years behind the curve now, so if anything has changed in the program, feel free to enlighten me. I remember trying the TG's lyric tools and concluding that, although they did make things better, they didn't make them enough better that I wasn't going to a full round of tweaking on my own anyway. That being the case, running TG Tools was just an extra step that didn't save me any time.

More to the point, I felt that some of the TG algorithms were solving problems in ways that were perhaps the easiest to program but not the best. For example, the one that left aligns syllables on beat one. The problem here is that if the syllable text is longer than the space allotted to the note, Finale will push the note to the right, creating an ugly extra space between the note and the barline. TG's solution is to left align the lyric to the note. Yes, that makes the ugly space go away, but I don't really want the lyric left-aligned either. In most cases, what I want is to leave the lyric centered, but let it hang under the barline to the left. In other words, have it be spaced without Finale thinking of the lyric having an x-coordinate that overlaps with the barline as a collision.

This is really just a specific case of the largest problem with lyric spacing in Finale: ie, what Finale thinks of as a collision. I don't remember the details, but I know that Finale will often add space around a note with a long lyric syllable, even if there's plenty of room for the lyric, just because the lyric would underhang the next note, an accidental, a lyric on a different verse line, etc. Any time the spacing algorithm is considering the lyric as a limiting factor for horizontal space, it needs to examine whether the lyric is really colliding with another lyric at the same level or just overlapping with something else in the measure at a different vertical position.

But I think that's probably one of the harder things to make an algorithm for, in terms of creating a plug-in.

Some other lyric spacing issues. Just tossing ideas out here for anyone who might want to consider plug-in development, or is just curious what sorts of things we nitpicky vocal music engravers like to tweak:

- I routinely nudged to the right any syllable ending with a comma or period. This falls under the rubric of mathematical centering vs visual centering. Understandably, Finale's basic algorithm is to figure the width of the text and center it exactly. But to the eye, the text's center of gravity is with the letters, not the punctuation mark, so the lyric looks lopsided to the left. To my eye, the period or comma does carry some weight, so I wouldn't center the letters alone, either, but it's closer to that than it is to the default.

Similar issues with other punctuation, like an apostrophe or quote mark. Even a full-size character like a question mark I find still looks better with a slight adjustment. I'm not sure of the reason -- it must have something to do with the mark's cognitive function and not just its size -- but to me it looks better with a subtle adjustment. And if a syllable has a dash to the right, that shouldn't be calculated in the centering at all.

(All of this is an issue in non-music publishing, by the way. High-end publishing/design is aware of the difference between mathematical centering and visual centering; it's one of the indicators that betrays sloppy work.)

This ought to be pretty easy to program. I imagine a table for any possible character that may appear in the leftmost or rightmost position of a lyric, with an offset amount for pushing that lyric left or right. The programmer would have default values matching his own aesthetic, but the user could go in and edit them if he disagrees. The plug-in simply runs through all the lyrics, check for the indicated character, and nudges the syllable accordingly.

- Another visual-centering issue I routinely adjusted was a short syllable on a downstem note. It's been a while, so I don't remember the details, but as I recall, when the syllable was close to the stem, it was disturbing to the eye to see it sit to the right of that stem because it was centered under the notehead.

- And wasn't there an issue with whole notes? A whole note head is wider than a half or quarter, but the lyric aligned the same. Thus it looked off-center (to the left or right? I don't remember which). This was especially noticeable if the syllable was short.

- Probably the most time-consuming tweaks I had to deal with is treating the hyphens in a crowded line. I have several objection to Finale's use of hyphens. For one thing, they aren't quite centered. With plenty of space you'd never notice, but when you have a tight one where the hyphen just barely fits, you see that it sits just a tiny bit closer to the letter on the right. There's also the matter of visual centering: in a tight fit, the context of what letter happens to sit to the left and right of the hyphen will affect what appears to be centered. You ought to be able to grab the hyphen and nudge it around, but you can't. Lyric hyphens are one of the few elements that can't be nudged. You can nudge the letters, but not the hyphen. Occasionally I've resorted to deleting the lyric hyphen and inserting a separate one as an expression instead, but usually I just live with it.

But that's pretty esoteric. The more basic problem is that Finale isn't smart about what to do when the combination is so tight that the hyphen goes away. As you slowly tighten up the space between hyphenated syllables, the first thing that will happen is that the hyphen gets so cramped that it collides with the letters (which is unacceptable). When you get close enough, Finale will conclude that there is no room for the hyphen so it disappears, but there's still a half space between the syllables which the reader doesn't know how to parse: is it two separate words or one? (which is also unacceptable).

For good engraving (my opinion, of course), there are only two acceptable options. Either there's enough space for the hyphen to fit comfortably between the syllables, or else the two lyric syllables need to be completely flush so that they appear just as they would if the whole word were set solid. Since it's generally a good thing to have music spacing be as unaffected by lyric spacing as feasible, the flush solution is usually the better one, even if it means knocking one or both of the syllables slightly off-center. Alas, pushing the syllables together so that they print flush is tedious work. Also, the eye seems to be unusually sensitive to this, so that if the spacing is even a little bit off it's distracting. A plug-in that somehow automated this would be a big help.

There's more, but I've written plenty for now. One last question: I'm curious if anyone else out there has any opinion on the idea of aligning a lyric syllable so that it's centered on the vowel. One of the books I read once upon a time said this is good practice, though it doesn't seem to be commonly followed (not even before engraving became computerized). I certainly don't do it as a general rule (which would be impractical anyway), but I have found that in a tight passage where syllables are being nudged to and fro, it does read better when I nudge in the direction of vowel-centering.


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