On 27 Mar 2008 at 0:12, John Howell wrote:

> At 5:18 PM -0500 3/26/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Cut time in 3? Is that the Zeffiro Torna meter?
> Not in the Malipiero edition, if my memory is anywhere close to 
> accurate.  But 3/2 is fairly common in later Baroque music where it's 
> an actual time signature and not a proportion.

I took the reference as referring to the 3/2 vs. 6/4 alternation.

I've never thought of 3/2 as cut time in 3, mostly because cut time 
in the period I'm dealing with usually means *4/2*. The relationships 
between their triple and quadruple meters were really not what we 
would expect.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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