On Fri, June 20, 2008 3:55 pm, dhbailey wrote:
> But it's a bastardization of the original 8va which does not mean
> "ottava alta" or any such thing.  It simply meant "ottava" or "octave."
>   Its placement above the music means an octave above, and its placement
> below the music means to play the music an octave below what is written.
> So to put a 'b' in place of the 'a' simply produces a nonsense
> abbreviation of a non-existent word.

Like the "ATM machine" redundancy or "their" as singular or "myriad" as a
noun or "dial" for touch telephones or "logon" for open websites or a
thousand other changes that seem illogical or historically uninformed,
this is among them.

What makes it unclear? Don't forget that it is used in local-language-only
scores (along with just 8). And to me 8va and 8vb are doubly helpful
because the placement of an 8va or 8 symbol between nearby staves is
ambiguous unless you hunt for a line and hook.

Plus it's been around a long time. I just checked -- I was using it before
1970, and yes, I had the first edition of Read with the green cover with
Stockhausen on the back and learned from it. But I also knew where his
advice was not really useful.


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