Comparing software to a TV doesn't work. Or your car. Its ridiculous.

Adobe's products are FAR from perfect and most of them have a list of legacy 
bugs that would make Finale's look teeny weenie. And Adobe also does what 
people are accusing MakeMusic of.....moving on and fixing issues (or working 
around them) in newer versions. Most all companies do that I think (Apple, 
Microsoft, Google, etc). 

On Oct 13, 2014, at 10:15 AM, Dean Rosenthal <> wrote:

> No. I don't understand why it's acceptable for a product to be sold with 
> enough bugs. Paying for a bug-fix release (one that would riddled with at 
> least some other issues) is not the answer. Imagine if you bought a 
> widescreen tv, only to find that certain features worked only some of the 
> time and some not at all, to compound this, your cable service also presented 
> programming issues and challenges. Or your car. Features as prominent as a 
> gauge. Or even a major program like Mathematica, which is at least equally 
> sophisticated in context to Finale. Or an Adobe product. Think about what it 
> would mean to the market and to advances and innovations. We are stuck with a 
> great application that is unfortunately far from perfect and for some reason 
> the company does not have high enough standards to perfect their product the 
> way the other products I've mentioned perfect them. Comments?
> Dean
> --
> Dean Rosenthal

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