On 10/14/2014 1:16 PM, Dean Rosenthal wrote:
> it's broken" And it's really made me question why software is any
> different. You can't say the sophisticated engineering that goes into
> manufacturing an entire car isn't potentially as detailed as a
> software app - considering there is a lot of software right there in
> car, for example?

But cars are buggy, too -- witness the numbers of recalls of millions of 
vehicles over the years.  Sometimes the bugs don't come out for a long 
long time in cars -- we owned a 2006 Saturn Ion which just received a 
recall notice (we traded it in 6 months ago).

And just as with software, car manufacturers try to hide the bugs as 
long as they can until they're finally caught.  Witness the millions of 
GM cars which had faulty ignition switches that we only found about 
within the past year, even though they had been installed *and known 
about at GM* quite a few years ago and GM said to go ahead and install 
them anyway!

It's the mindset of manufacturing these days, whether it's hardware or 
software -- put out a product that's a buggy as can be and still be 
sold, and then try to fix things when enough people complain about them 
and cry about how difficult it is to track them all down and fix them.

But that's because manufacturing, whether hardware or software, is all 
about pleasing the shareholders first and then pleasing the customers 
only as much as it helps to keep the shareholders happy.

If corporations put as much effort into fixing buggy products as they do 
into evading taxes, we'd all be much happier and not be complaining 
about the bugs nearly as much.

But that won't ever happen again in our lifetimes, not as long as Wall 
Street is king and the consumer is only a peasant with very little power.

David H. Bailey
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