On Sunday, July 21, 2002, at 02:08  PM, Curtis Vaughan wrote:

> One of the main features I would probably have to use if I were to 
> advise OS X on future laptops would be a KDE desktop.  Judging by posts 
> I'm assuming this is possible.
> However, I am wondering also, if I were to use KDE with OS X, is Aqua 
> still running simultaneously?  Or is it like on Linux, you boot into 1 
> Xserver environment?

As Ben noted, yes it is possible to run KDE (or GNOME, which was ported 
first and is, IMO, a bit more "ready to use" in this form). You have 
several runmode options:

* run X11/KDE in rootless mode, either natively with XDarwwin or with 
the very nice OroborOSX wrapper application.

* run X11/KDE in fullscreen mode in tandem with OSX's Aqua window 
manager. This has the benefit of allowing you to context switch between 
a full Mac desktop and a full X11 one. In my opinion, the interface 
behavior between X11 apps and Aqua apps is inconsistent to the point 
that in most cases, running them side-by-side in rootless mode can be 
jarring, though OroborOSX does a pretty good job of getting X11 to blend 
into Aqua nicely -- but it doesn't use KDE to do it, if that's important 
to you.

* log into the box as ">console", dropping you down to a text-mode BSD 
login, and once into the command shell there fire up X11/KDE in 
fullscreen. The benefit here is that, if you *know* you only want an X 
desktop, then you same some resources by not having to run Aqua [and 
companion applications -- the Finder, the Dock, etc] at the same time 
that you're running X11. The drawback here is that X11 performance on 
Darwin isn't as good as it would be on Linux or pure BSD -- at least so 
far -- and if you're excluding yourself from running OSX applications 
then why run OSX at all, espectially when the performance isn't even as 
good as it is with a pure Linux installation?

None of these choices are mutually exclusive. I often switch between 
OroborOSX and fullscreen XDarwin, depending on whether I want to spend a 
lot of time running X11 applications (in which case I go for fullscreen) 
or if I want to mostly go back & forth between X11 and OSX apps (in 
which case I use OroborOSX). At the extreme, if I know I'm going to be 
doing nothing but X11 work for a while then I'll take the third option 
there, but in any case the point is that you have several options and 
you don't have to pick one to the exclusion of the others. Once the 
software is all available on your computer, you can choose how you want 
to use it at your whim.

Chris Devers

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