I forgot to mention that <bind -k dc delete-or-exit> works fine if 
typed/entered on the command line, I press Delete and the shell exits, but then 
it won't work in new sessions, unless I define it on the command line manually 

Also, note that it won't work on new sessions although it is listed by the 
'bind' command:

$ bind
[many lines elided]
bind \e\< beginning-of-buffer
bind \e\> end-of-buffer
bind \el __fish_list_current_token
bind \ew 'set tok (commandline -pt); if test $tok[1]; whatis $tok[1]; 
commandline -f repaint; end'
bind \cl 'clear; commandline -f repaint'
bind \cc 'commandline ""'
bind \cu backward-kill-line
bind \cd delete-or-exit
bind \ep __fish_paginate

See? It's there. But it doesn't work.

The other binding <bind \cz 'commandline ""'> does not work even if entered 
manually on command line. It is also not listed by the 'bind' command. I don't 
understand what you mention about 'susp with stty' because I am not familiar 
with it. I can however assure you that Ctrl+z to clear the command line works 
fine on tcsh. I have had that binding in tcsh for three or four years, and it 
has allways worked. It still does.

Thank you for your attention.

Luciano ES
On Tue, 27 Nov 2012 17:12:14 +1100, Ian Munsie wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 2:34 PM, Luciano ES <lucm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > function fish_user_key_bindings
> >         bind -k dc delete-or-exit
> >         bind \cz 'commandline ""'
> > end
> >
> > I press Ctrl+z. Nothing happens.
> Nothing happens for me either - might be a bug, though something in
> the back of my mind is nagging at me saying that you can't bind
> anything to ctrl+z unless you first remove susp with stty - only,
> changing that doesn't seem to stick in fish (I wonder if it's
> resetting the terminal characteristics - I'd need to read the code).
> > I press Delete. Nothing happens.
> With your above function pressing delete closes the shell for me.
> > What have I done wrong?
> Nothing obvious - what happens if you use this instead to debug
> things?
> function fish_user_key_bindings
>         bind -k dc 'commandline "delete pressed"'
>         bind \cz 'commandline "ctrl+z pressed"'
>         bind \cc 'commandline "ctrl+c pressed"'
>         bind \cd 'commandline "ctrl+d pressed"'
> end
> With this function ctrl+c, ctrl+d and delete should all produce a
> message, though ctrl+z does nothing for me.
> > Note: I am running whatever version I downloaded from the git
> > repository yesterday. Neither fish_user_key_bindings nor
> > fish_user_keybindings works.
> It's been about a month since I last pulled from upstream - I'll build
> the latest version and see if anything has changed, though if
> something had fundamentally broken in this area I would have expected
> someone to complain that my vi-mode.fish had stopped working.
> Cheers,
> -Ian

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