On Nov 26, 2012, at 11:38 PM, Luciano ES <lucm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sigh... Ok, one thing at a time:
>> See what? "bind -k dc" isn't in that list. Or maybe I'm just blind
> You're right, it's not there. My mistake, forget about it. :-\
>> I get the impression that fish_user_key_bindings is not being executed
>> at all (try adding an echo "USER BINDINGS SET" to check or try calling
>> it manually), 
> That's right, it's not. I had already tried adding an echo statement within 
> the function, and it never printed out any output. 
> And running fish_user_key_bindings manually on the command line works, the 
> Delete binding I wanted worked fine.
> Now, why isn't fish_user_key_bindings executed automatically?

Hi Luciano,

It sounds like you're working with fish 1.x config files, especially if you 
want to keep both installed at once.  If you run 'functions 
__fish_config_interactive' do you see a reference to fish_default_key_bindings 
in the output?

Another possibility is that $fish_key_bindings has been changed from the 
default.  The fish_user_key_bindings function is invoked like so:

                if test "$fish_key_bindings" = fish_default_key_bindings
                        #Load user key bindings if they are defined
                        if functions --query fish_user_key_bindings > /dev/null
                        eval $fish_key_bindings ^/dev/null

>> which leads me to suspect that you may have some ancient
>> fish files lying around somewhere that you haven't cleaned up that
>> predate the introduction of that function.
> In fact, yes, I still have (or rather had - read further) the old fish lying 
> around in case the new fish didn't quite work out for me.
>> Have you done a dpkg -r fish as the thread you posted suggested to
>> clean up any old version in your package manager?
> I just did, and all hell broke loose. The current shell got all messy, lots 
> of error messages flying every which way.
> I ran quickly to the source/build/compile directory I used yesterday and ran 
> 'make install' again. It got better, but I still have problems.
> I looked for /usr/share/fish, it's not there anymore. I deleted 
> /usr/local/share/fish/ and ran 'make install' again, I still have problems:
> First, the command line is all broken, many keys are not working.
> Every time I try a new session, I get complaints about my fish_prompt.fish 
> file, some problem with prompt_pwd.
> I also get this error, which looks like a bug to me:
> fish: Unknown command "__fish_config_interactive"
> /usr/local/share/fish/config.fish (line 95): __fish_config_interactive
>                                             ^
> in function "__fish_on_interactive",
>       called on standard input,
> in event handler: handler for generic event "fish_prompt"
> It is complaining about /usr/local/share/fish/config.fish, but I never 
> touched that file. Whatever is wrong with it, I didn't do it.
> Please advise.  :-(

It sounds like fish 2.0 was using the functions directory from 1.x, and when 
you removed fish 1.x, fish 2.0 could no longer find its functions. What does 
'echo $fish_function_path' output? Do any of the directories contain 

For the record, fish 2.0 first tries to find its functions by looking relative 
to the binary itself, to support scenarios like 0install. That is, if fish 
detects that it is running from /foo/bar/bin/fish, it looks for 
/foo/bar/share/fish/functions. If that fails, it falls back to using the 
compiled-in paths, i.e. the --prefix option to configure.

Hope that helps,

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