This message is from: "Douglas Knutsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ah Sue,

What a wrenching experience! My heart goes out to you as you begin to heal.

Peg Knutsen

----- Original Message ----- From: "Sue Clark-Sorger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 7:47 AM
Subject: Kez

This message is from: "Sue Clark-Sorger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We lost Kez (Crown Oak Keswick) yesterday due to his major heart problem.
Kez had started to have problems a few weeks ago with falling, the vet
called it
syncope. He would basically pass out, fall and then get back up and after
20 minutes was back to normal. He also started to have episodes of being out
breath like he had been running while he was standing still. His last fall
was Tuesday,
he was in his stall eating hay and I went in to put his grain in the feeder
across from where
he was, I turned away from him to pour and the next thing I was crashing
into the wall
he had fallen and hit me as he went down. Absolutely no indication this was
going to happen.
I am recovering from a badly wrenched back and bruising I have severe back
problems and this
is an extra problem. I decided that Kezzy quality of life was low and it was
time to say goodbye.

Some of you will know his story, he was born almost 7 years ago by c-section
after his mother died
in labor with him. She likely had the same heart problem which was the cause
of her death. I slept in the
barn and bottle fed him and after a couple of weeks taught him to drink from
a bucket. When he was 6 months old
he went to Colorado to Starfire Farm and ran with their youngsters for a
year and learned to be a horse and not a human.
Last year due to increasing back problems I decided to sell Kez and my mare
Los Trigos Heather.
I sent them to Patty Jo Walter in Wisconsin. Patty Jo soon found a buyer for
Kez but during the pre-purchase exam
he was found to have a heart murmur, more testing found a heart that was
badly damaged and not even in the correct place in his chest.
With the help of some incredible Fjord owners I bought Kez home. I thought
we had a lot more time together he was not going to be 7 until May
but not so.

Patty Jo Walter leased Heather and has since purchased her and so with the
loss of Kez I no long have a fjord in my life.
As painful as it has been at times I would not change the experience for
anything, what incredible creatures fjords are and I feel honored to have
owned by a few.

I have 2 Shetland ponies and 1 miniature and will continue driving and maybe
one day if the right fjordy comes along fjords, will once again be part of
my life,
but not yet the pain is too intense and the tears are still flowing.


Sue Clark-Sorger

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