Any great Flex books you'd recommend?

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Joel Stransky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I love the responses so far. It's really helping me wrap my head around the
> division of the two tools. I'm going to take Jason's advice and just jump in
> and do something in Flex (probably using FlashDevelop) and see where I come
> out. The comparison example is definitely enticing and helps me realize that
> I can't objective until I have a taste. Even if it only makes my UI creation
> easier, I suppose it will be worth it.
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 10:07 AM, Merrill, Jason <
>> >> With both you can be efficient. As a proof, all the best Flash sites
>> are Flash, not Flex.
>> How do you know? I have seen some amazing Flash sites I thought were build
>> in the Flash IDE, and I found out later they were Flex apps, with some
>> really great skinning going on.  I have also seen some flex-like sites that
>> were cool that I discovered were Flash IDE made sites.  But in a lot of
>> cases, there is no real way to tell what the development environment was -
>> maybe if you pulled apart the .swf you could tell, but other than that, it's
>> difficult.
>> Jason Merrill
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>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cedric Muller
>> Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 4:17 AM
>> To: Flash Coders List
>> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Flex vs. Flash
>> > Getting back to the original question, Ross, another benefit of the
>> > Flex compiler - whether you're writing MXML or AS3 - over the Flash
>> > IDE is that all the source files for a Flex app (barring assets -
>> > images etc.) are text files. Text files are much easier to deal with
>> > in version control systems such as SVN or CVS - and version control
>> > systems are critical for development within a group of developers.
>> I may be totally martian here, but ... hmmm, besides the FLA part,
>> you can externalize everything in text files too (no code in the FLA,
>> just assets (and even...) and external AS files).
>> This is making me think that, as always, there are big differences
>> between the framework provided and the technology used.
>> Start from nothing, use Flash, try to build up a framework (at least,
>> some app building logic), all on your own, and/or with the help of
>> other Flashcoders.
>> Then, you discover Flex, and this gives you the framework (ie:
>> geniuses thought about this for you). You stick to the framework,
>> learn to structure code / applications, and then get on the next
>> part: being efficient.
>> With both you can be efficient. As a proof, all the best Flash sites
>> are Flash, not Flex. But all the best Flash apps are Flex, because it
>> is ... just simply ... simpler.
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> --
> --Joel Stransky

--Joel Stransky
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