Hmmm - wonder if the DDS is oscillating where it should be?  If you turn 
off spur reduction, the DDS should be oscillating 11025 khz below the 
frequency of interest.  You should be able to hear the DDS on another HF 
radio if you put its antenna (just some wire should do) near the SDR 
1000.   Would be interesting to see if you hear the oscillator where you 
can receive an AM station and don't hear it where you cannot.  That would 
say something's frotzed with the DDS or more likely its control.

If the DDS seems to be oscillating where it should be then I'm stumped ... 
maybe a relay issue with the wrong filter being selected, but I'd be 
surprised if they'd manage to block a BCB station to the extent where you 
did not hear it at all.

Other thing to check would be to open the box and make sure all of the 
cards are well seated and firmly plugged together ... perhaps the journey 
from Dayton has loosened up some of the connections and made the DDS 
control somewhat intermittent.

Hope some of this helps.


Bill  (kd5tfd)

At 01:10 PM 5/29/2006, KD5NWA wrote:
>I recently bought a SDR-1000 at Dayton and have been playing with it.
>I'm using a Delta-44 card with my 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 PC, parallel port
>connect, and V16.1 software.
>I have no reception of AM broadcast stations from 520KHz to 780KHz, my
>alarm clock picks up several stations, the SDR-1000 nothing, not even a
>trace that there are stations there.
>I keep picking up a Mexican station on 40KHz and every 20KHz or so
>thereafter up to around 300KHz even with the pre-amp off.
>On several of the bands below the AM band I have massive spurs -40dB to
>-55dB, as you tune near them they disappear and new ones show up a few
>KHz away.
>General lack of signals on the band, when I hook the same antenna to a
>TS-930, I see lots of signals and AM stations below 790KHz.
>I have tried adding delays to the printer port to no avail. The radio's
>power supply is a 12A Astron linear power supply, and computer are
>plugged on the same outlet.
>Any clues?

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