Quoting Tim Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Tue 20 Nov 2007 11:20:20 AM PST:

> All hair splitting, defining word definitions, etc, aside...
> The significant part of the answer is the "no" part.  And in the   
> case, "no" actually means "no". :-)
> -Tim

But here's a fascinating thing... PowerSDR *could* support the IC7000  
or the TS2000B or the Orion or the ...

You could use PowerSDR's user interface to send commands to and get  
status back from the 7000.
You could feed the audio to and from PowerSDR, and use PowerSDR's very  
powerful filtering, AGC, recording, etc. features.

Granted, you don't get some of the performance aspects of doing the  
modulation and demodulation in the PC (like multiple receivers in the  

But that's kind of the cool thing about software radios in general..  
with half way decent interface abstractions, the "RF hardware" becomes  
just a peripheral interface, controlled as you like it.

It's sort of like the popularity of programs such as HRD.. they  
essentially abstract the radio's function and present a common user  
interface for all radios.

One could argue that maybe the direction to head for PowerSDR type  
products is to let UI specialists (HRD) take on that aspect of radio  
control, making the software like PowerSDR more of a radio abstraction  
layer that controls the RF hardware and the DSP processing.  CAT on  
steroids, if you will.

But, as you say, for today, PowerSDR doesn't support the IC7000 and TS2000.


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