OK, I just got my Flex5000a. What followed was wild elation followed  
by puzzlement, and then crushing despair.

Before you start scratching your heads and wondering why I appear to  
be such an idiot, please understand that I don't have any windows  
computers. My one concession to windows is a copy of XP home running  
under Parallels on my MacBook Pro in order to run some IDEs for doing  
development on various microcontrollers. I just assumed (ha ha) that I  
could run PowerSDR under XP running as a guest OS in Parallels. So,  
all is well except -- Parallels doesn't support pass-through of the  
IEEE-1394 (FireWire) device. Apparently, neither does VMware.

Any suggestions short of building a machine just to run windows so I  
can run PowerSDR? I suppose I could shift over to LinRAD but figured  
that it made sense to bring the radio up in plain-vanilla mode first.


OTOH, it is a rather interesting-looking, expensive, inert lump,  
especially when you turn it around in order to marvel at all the  

(This has been a very frustrating day.)


73 de Brian, WB6RQN
Brian Lloyd - brian HYPHEN wb6rqn AT lloyd DOT com

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