At 12:59 PM 7/16/2008, Brian Lloyd wrote:
>Yesterday was a personally frustrating day in that three of my good
>students (all who have gotten their licenses, one who upgraded to
>general even) are moving and will not be returning to our school in
>the fall. That puts a dent in my science/robotics/ham-radio program at
>my school. Finding yet another roadblock in the day, i.e. not being
>able to use the shack computer for the Flex5000, was just over-the-
>top. So I seriously posted my question about getting things running on
>the Mac and humorously (well maybe not-so-humorously) commented about
>the Flex5000 being an inert lump. Sorry.
>I made everything run last night. I took a server box that is slated
>to be a file server running Solaris and temporarily loaded Windows XP
>on it in order to get the Flex5000 running. I wanted to run it in
>plain-vanilla, out-of-the-box mode first before I start making changes
>to the software environment. Nothing is more annoying than to not know
>which of your changes caused the system to stop working.
>Oh man, the 5000 is a truly awe inspiring radio!
>And I still want to make it work natively with MacOS.

Native, as in not in an emulation or VM environment?
Making the 5000 "work" is probably doable fairly easily (after all, 
the interfaces are standard MIDI and audio devices), however porting 
PowerSDR from VC2003 to something on the Mac is going to be an ordeal....

dttsp is vanilla C, and it should work with a recompile (I believe 
there are folks running dttsp on the Mac in native mode.. Frank AB2KT 
would know)

You might be best off trying one of the java control engines that runs dttsp

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