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I bought my 5000A over a year ago, and I did have some dropouts at first, but once I got a Firewire Expresscard for my Dell XPS 1730 laptop most of them disappeared (and I am using a 3 meter long firewire cable.) Many problems reported here are caused by people who have not yet gotten their computers set up to run things with little or no problem. They come to this reflector because the entire Flex community is one of the most knowledgeable, patient set of people I have ever joined.

Yes, I would buy the 5000A again, or the 3000 if I could not afford the 5000A. I am a small pistol DXer running barefoot with a Carolina Windom 40 Short at 25 feet. From the start I have been working DX all over the world from NEPA (including the South Pacific) because this receiver is amazing, and even at 100 watts the compander gives my SSB punch that allows me to compete in pileups I never could before. And this is without sunspots. In over 50 years of hamming (I started as KN2HGO in 1954) I have had never had so much fun since my early years of hamming.

Look, this radio and software is cutting-edge, and many people are helping to try out what is really beta (or even alpha sof)tware in the SVN versions, and so at least some of the problems reported here are a result of this process of development of an open software program. If you stick to the official software releases you will usually have few problem. But not always, and if you have a problem someone here can and will help. For example, the present version of PowerSDR (1.18.0) had a bug that interferes with transmitting with MixW using VAC. I reported the problem and within an hour someone told me it was a bug and two ways to work around it. And 1.18.1 should be out very soon.

Setting up takes more than just plugging in an antenna, power line, mike or key, and tuning the radio on, but if you are familiar with loading programs and following very explicit instructions you will get there fairly quickly and easily (It really is more plug and play then many so-called plug and play devices I have used.) Finally, again, if you have a problem just ask here and you will get help from users, developers, on up to the President of Flexradio. I wonder if these people ever sleep.

So yes, I would buy it again!

Pete (K2HGO)

P.S. I just read the three responses posted while I wrote mine. If you see a similarity it not surprising. Many of us are having the same experiernce.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Harold Rosee" <wa5...@hotmail.com>
To: <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 4:25 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Is it worth the trouble??

This year at Dayton I was able to see the Flex radios. When I got home I signed up and have been reading the reflector emails to decide if I wanted to buy a Flex.

It appears to me that a lot of you are having problems, both with the rigs and the software. It appears that the software interface to the computer is full of bugs. I see a lot about lockups, etc.

I have come to the conclusion that it's best to wait a while but I will try to remain open minded.

My question is "would you buy this radio again and is it worth all the trouble/issues that you guys seem to have?".

Thanks for any comments,

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