I knew you were joking.
Ed, W1PN

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 9:07 PM, Brian Lloyd <brian-wb6...@lloyd.com> wrote:

> On Jun 18, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Brian Lloyd wrote:
>  On Jun 18, 2009, at 4:46 PM, Brian Lloyd wrote:
>>  But there is another way to think about this. Yes, it may scare someone
>>> off but I can't imagine it scaring off someone who really should buy a Flex
>>> radio. If it scares a potential buyer, maybe you don't really want that
>>> buyer. In my businesses it was always fewer than 10% of the customers who
>>> caused 90% of the problems. In one case I even refunded one customer's money
>>> and set them up with our competitor's product because that customer was
>>> *killing* our support group. :-) The moral of this story is two-fold:
>> Uh Gerald -- please don't send me a gift certificate from Elecraft.
>> Thanks. ;-)
> Well, seems that my comment above was construed negatively by some people.
> They took the comment to imply:
> 1. that Elecraft is the company using the discussions on this list as a way
> to "prove" that their products are better;
> 2. that somehow my comment should reflect negatively on Flex Radio, i.e. as
> if it were somehow supported by Gerald and the rest of Flex Radio.
> I didn't think that there was any way that it could have been construed
> that way but clearly it was.
> So, just to make things perfectly clear, my comment was intended as JOKE.
> It was not intended to be taken seriously in any way. If anything, I was
> poking fun at my own expense as I know that some of my comments have
> required people at Flex to bite their tongues on occasion.
> 2. I happen to hold Elecraft in very high esteem. By choice I also have an
> Elecraft transceiver and expect to get another. It was in no way intended as
> a slight on Elecraft.
> <sigh>
> --
> 73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL
> Brian Lloyd - brian HYPHEN wb6rqn AT lloyd DOT com
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