Let me add one clarification on my comments about competitors using our
openness development process against us.  I was referring to resellers of
radios, NOT manufacturers of radios.


Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR
FlexRadio Systems
13091 Pond Springs Rd. #250
Austin, TX 78729
Phone: 512-535-4713

"Tune in excitement!" (TM) 

-----Original Message-----
From: flexradio-boun...@flex-radio.biz
[mailto:flexradio-boun...@flex-radio.biz] On Behalf Of Brian Lloyd
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:07 PM
To: Flex reflector
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] All using SVN 3166 or higher

On Jun 18, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Brian Lloyd wrote:

> On Jun 18, 2009, at 4:46 PM, Brian Lloyd wrote:
>> But there is another way to think about this. Yes, it may scare  
>> someone off but I can't imagine it scaring off someone who really  
>> should buy a Flex radio. If it scares a potential buyer, maybe you  
>> don't really want that buyer. In my businesses it was always fewer  
>> than 10% of the customers who caused 90% of the problems. In one  
>> case I even refunded one customer's money and set them up with our  
>> competitor's product because that customer was *killing* our  
>> support group. :-) The moral of this story is two-fold:
> Uh Gerald -- please don't send me a gift certificate from Elecraft.  
> Thanks. ;-)

Well, seems that my comment above was construed negatively by some  
people. They took the comment to imply:

1. that Elecraft is the company using the discussions on this list as  
a way to "prove" that their products are better;

2. that somehow my comment should reflect negatively on Flex Radio,  
i.e. as if it were somehow supported by Gerald and the rest of Flex  

I didn't think that there was any way that it could have been  
construed that way but clearly it was.

So, just to make things perfectly clear, my comment was intended as  
JOKE. It was not intended to be taken seriously in any way. If  
anything, I was poking fun at my own expense as I know that some of my  
comments have required people at Flex to bite their tongues on occasion.

2. I happen to hold Elecraft in very high esteem. By choice I also  
have an Elecraft transceiver and expect to get another. It was in no  
way intended as a slight on Elecraft.



73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL
Brian Lloyd - brian HYPHEN wb6rqn AT lloyd DOT com

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