On 11/23/2014 9:19 AM, Patrick Greenlee wrote:
I once had a tube type lab grade audio power amp with a switch on
both channels to roll off freqs below 8 Hz for uses such as music so
power would not be wasted in reproducing infra-sonic signals from
such as footsteps vibrating a phono cartridge.

Not sure what benefit audio down in the infra-sonic domain has for
hams but if someone is doing something down there then please speak
up as I'm sure lots of us would be interested.

For audio _inputs_ that might be used to transmit highly-processed waveforms, I can see great advantages to DC coupling. Orban recommends flat frequency response down to a least 0.16 Hz (not a typo!) for AM broadcast transmitter audio stages in which the actual audio frequencies are no lower than 30 Hz. Without such extended response, processed audio waveforms (which are sometimes flat-topped like square waves) would be unacceptably distorted. Perhaps some other modes have similarly stringent requirements.

But I don't see why a headphone output needs to be DC-coupled. A capacitor-coupled output that gives flat response down to 30 Hz should be fine even for audiophiles listening to ESSB operators or organ concerts on broadcast stations.


Kevin, WB4AIO.

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