Lee Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> If it's not too much effort it's got to be worth looking into.  Feel free 
> to try reducing some of mine if you wish.
> I've had a little play with the reduce function in AC3D but to be honest, 
> it's in the opposite direction to what I want to do.

Sure, same here.  The 747 will be growing a bit in the latest round of
revisions.  The low poly version would look very chunky next to the original.
 David and Fred and have done some excellent low poly models.  I'm not
particularly interested in doing these versions,  but if folks wish to fly
models like the wright flyer and the p51d I wouldn't be opposed to adding a
low-res file to the base package.  It would be difficult for someone to do
that themselves if their machine didn't handle the large model in the first place.

> Having said that, I could probably go through it and manually merge polys 
> where it would have little effect on the appearance but when I've 
> actually tried doing that it hasn't made a huge difference to the overall 
> counts.

Yeah I just spent a few minutes looking at the model in ac3d.  It really is
nicely done.  There are _maybe_ a dozen or so vertices that could be removed
without affecting appearance.  Your texturing approach for this model is very
 effective no significant depth buffer issues at 24bpp.

BTW there is a plib bug showing up on the bottom.  That is one example of how
the ac3d loader really is screwing up the shading.  My guess is the
optimization is to blame.  Checking it out in wire frame mode (in flightgear)
might reveal something.  It would be awful nice to do away with that step.

> Ultimately though, the quality of anything we do has to increase and 
> without some revolutionary changes in graphics technology this is going 
> to mean more complex and detailed models.

Agreed.  Anyway, very nice model.  The nose looks great.  The 747 nose, which
is actually a little simpler than that one, has been about as challenging as
anything I've done so far and it still is not right.



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