On Thursday 02 October 2003 03:52, Jim Wilson wrote:
> BTW there is a plib bug showing up on the bottom.  That is one example 
of how
> the ac3d loader really is screwing up the shading.  My guess is the
> optimization is to blame.  Checking it out in wire frame mode (in 
> might reveal something.  It would be awful nice to do away with that 

Oops - I thought I'd got 'em all;)  I'll have a look at it.  The model 
loader/renderer does do some funny things at times - I've been re-working 
the TSR-2 and hit a problem on the front canopy inner lining where a 
couple of sections seemed to be clipped out of it in fgfs.  I remember 
you showing me some screen shots of a similar problem you had with the 
tip of the p-51d control-stick.  Anyway, I could see that the missing 
sections were the diagonal halves of the original rectangle so I thought 
I'd manually triagulate the effected polys but switch the orientation of 
the diagonal.

It made no difference at all, which was strange - the new triangles 
couldn't be re-triangulated to produce the missing sections and it wasn't 
a case of particular triangles being missed because the new triangles ran 
across the missing area:/

Then I went back to the original rectangular polys and tried sub-dividing 
them.  This actually changed the shape of the missing sections but didn't 
fix it:\

Fortunately, re-sizing it a little did:)

Lot of messing about though.

> > Ultimately though, the quality of anything we do has to increase and 
> > without some revolutionary changes in graphics technology this is 
> > to mean more complex and detailed models.
> Agreed.  Anyway, very nice model.  The nose looks great.  The 747 nose, 
> is actually a little simpler than that one, has been about as 
challenging as
> anything I've done so far and it still is not right.
> Best,
> Jim
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