Hi Gene

Gene Buckle writes
If you're so stuck on random event generators, go use MSFS.  It's full of
'em, including the flight model.

I am not stuck on randon event generators it is just that in the real world thats the way things seem to happen.Otherwise they would be planded events.And I can just see someone taking a cessna up knowing that 30 mins into the flight the engine is going to catch fire. How do you determine when the instrument is working normally and when it is not.My guess is the the program is going to say so.

The idea here is to be able to create an accurate representation of an aircraft electrical system.

Have you ever seen or worked on anything bigger that a light twin electrical system.
Lets look at the 747(only because I am most familiar with that)
4 engine driven generators
2 APU driven generators
2 external power connections
Then these are spilt up into
115v 3 phase AC
115v single phase AC
28v AC
28v DC
ciruits.And then hundreds of CB's.You are not trying to tell me you are going to try
and simulate that.The wiring diagrams alone if stacked would be 4 feet high.

Every commercial simulator I've worked with has had some kind of electrical system simulation running

I have had the fortune of actually opperating 707, 767, 747 and DC10 simulators and yes they have fully functioning electrical systems. But they also have a randon event renerator called a HUMAN and he or she sits at a control panel and selects the system failures. does this not happen in other simulators.

The only thing I would ask is if you make these plans to be aware that
there a lot of A/C that dont use battery start in fact hardly use a battery at all.
And if as I understand FG is a full spectrum simulator then we must consider all
types of A/C

The Mad Aussi

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