On Monday, 29 December 2003 19:51, David Luff wrote:
> As for recording the stuff, currently we're limited to 8bit, 8KHz, mono, at
> which setting the voice is noticably deteriorated in quality.  I believe
> that Bernie is working on improved sound support, so it might be worth
> mastering and editing at higher quality, indexing by time rather than byte
> location, and converting to low quality and byte position at the end.  I've
> been cutting and pasting each phrase from the original to a new file to
> compress the finished sample as much as possible - it's still 5meg+ and
> that's at low quality for a fairly limited phraseology (interactive
> services like tower etc will need a lot more than pre-recorded services
> like ATIS).  You need to produce a corresponding .vce file to go with the
> .wav file so the ATC system knows where to find a given phrase - see the
> description of the .vce file indexing a few paragraphs up.

Why are we using wave files in the first place?

Yes I know that they don't require decompression which saves CPU cycles but 
Ogg Vorbis compression is excellent and it's GPL.

This not only goes for ATC but for all sound files.
High quality sound files for aircraft need to be long so that they can have 
varying sound patterns in them but still don't sound repetitive.


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