"Jim Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> Martin Spott wrote:

>> > At least in the _outside_ views the PA-28 still rotates around its nose
>> > after the recent changes,
>> That seemed funny to me as well, but when I looked from the outside view, it 
>> did seem to pivot around the wings after the change (in fact, as I moved the 
>> camera back and forth, so did the apparent pivot point).  That was from a 
>> side view in flight -- what did you use where you saw it moving about the nose?

Take whichever you want. The effect is most noticeable with the "Tower
view" and the "Chase view wo yaw".
                          ^  :-)

> Another way to look at it is this:  If the aircraft pitches, the nose moves up
> and down.   If the camera is tracking the nose, then it moves up and down as
> well with the nose.   This creates the _illusion_ that the rest of the
> aircraft (and of the scene for that matter) is moving, and the nose is
> remaining stationary when in fact it is moving up and down.

You _might_ be right, but in the case we are talking abouth things are
different. For example use the "Tower view" and zoom enough to get the
details. Take off and stay 100 ft above the ground. Now push the
elevator violently aband you'll notice that the nose keeps its distance
from the ground but the aircraft body gains height. Compare this to the
default aircraft.

There's another sign that _might_ reveal something about the 'mistake'.
Use the "Chase view wo yaw" and activate the HUD. On the default and
several other aircraft (I didn't test the whole hangar) the center of
the HUD points to somwhere near the CG, on the PA-28 it points to the
aircraft nose.

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