> On Monday 25 Jan 2010, Pete Morgan wrote:
> > I'm having a successful time tuning my first autopilot on the
> > 787.
> >
> > I've managed to get rid of the "jerks" and wobbles, mainly by
> > using a "noise-spike" filter with <max-rate-of-change>. That
> > thanks to Syd Adams for that wonderful tip.
> >
> > All flight level changes, and NAV, heading can be tuned very
> > well, at the current tuning speed of 250 knots.
> >
> > However, at lower and higher speeds, the behaviour changes,
> > sometimes significantly.
> >
> > So it it possible to have two different PID/configs's operating
> > at different airspeeds..
> >
> > eg in psuedo code
> >
> > <config>
> >    {if getprop("airspeed") < 150 }
> >     <Kp>0.07</Kp><beta>0.5</beta>
> >    {else}
> >     <Kp>0.06</Kp><beta>0.3</beta>
> >     {if}
> > </config>
> >
> > Hope it makes sense..
> > pete
> You can vary the proportional gain of the pid controllers by
> specifying a property and default value instead of just sticking a
> fixed value between the <Kp> tags e.g.
> <Kp>
>   <prop>/autopilot/FCS/settings/example-gain</prop>
>   <value>-0.2</value>
> </Kp>
If you run the CVS version (or wait a couple of days for the new release), you 
can make use of even more flexible input parameters:
- specify a constant for a constant value
- specify a property name to read the value from a property
- add a <scale> and/or <offset> for linear modifications of the value
- add a <condition> to enable this value and choose from more than one input

Trivial example, constant

Trivial example, property

More complex: 
if( /foo == 123 )
  Kp = /some/property * /some/other/property + 3
  Kp = 4711

<!-- case f00 == 123 -->
<!-- default, or else branch -->

Recursion is supported, so something like this works:
        some funky condition here
         some other condition
      I'm loosing my track here, but you might see the idea behind.

you can model polynoms like a0+a1*x+a2*x^2(+...) that way.

More examples is in Docs/README.digitalfilters or the HansaJet autopilot (work 
in progress).


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