
> > ..yes, but we also need some patience with non-native English writers
> > who _should_ include their French etc original so we don't get people
> > wound up on questionable translations of things that may warrant
> > discussion
> For the record, there is a repeating pattern here on and off  list and I
> think I'm overreacting. I don't think "you are ignoring the flightgear
> community interest", "features should be compatible each other, and not
> breaking each other" or "You call it Atmospheric Light Scattering, you
> call it Renk ALS" are particularly prone to mistranslation or are intended
> mean something else.
> I'm not wound up about wording here. I'm wound up about
> 1) Repeated insinuations that I would 'break' things. Somehow, nobody can
> seem to come up with an example of what I have actually broken. So I think
> I'm not out of line in asking that people either say what they think I
> (and give me a chance to fix it) or shut up.
> 2) A complete lack of explanation why simply not switching on a completely
> optional framework which they don't like is not an acceptable solution to
> some people.
> 3) The inherent double standard in arguments that if other people do the
> same thing it's completely okay, but if I do it it's very bad.
> Could somebody who disagrees with me just spell out what I'm supposedly
> doing wrong, what I should rather be doing and explain to me why? Rather
> than insinuating, making vague statements, expressing unspecified
> hinting at some unspecified group which would be of the same opinion but
> never committing to any statement which can actually be investigated?
> Because I'd really really like to see that case reasoned.

ALS is very impressive work, but things broken? Have you forgotten the flag
shader (now fixed), wake effect and rainbow effect? I don't have a
particular problem with these and hope that they will be fixed eventually,
although I note that do you seem to have raced on to other things while
leaving the wake effect unfixed for some time. I rather fear that that's
just going to get lost in the noise and general excitement over the latest
bit of eye-candy. 

I think a more general concern would be that we seem to be developing 3 or 4
different Flightgears, in which different things work or not as the case
might be:


        Basic weather/Advanced Weather

        Atmospheric  Light Scattering (ALS)

As a developer I have only just finished making my models Rembrandt
compatible, and I don't know if I will ever be able to actually make use
Rembrandt facilities in all of them. I'm sure that there are models in our
inventory which haven't even got that far. 

As I understand it, ALS will include modelling facilities which will not
work in the other flavours of FG. How is this meant to be used? Personally,
I seem to be forever fixing things in my models that others have broken, to
the extent that I'm not actually able to move my own work forward. That's
how it feels anyway. In an ideal world everything would work and be
compatible with everything else. I realise that might involve a number of
intermediate steps to reach the final goal, but right now we seem to be
moving our flavours further apart rather than converging them. What are
aircraft developers and/or users meant to make of this ?

As to Emilian's concerns, I don't really understand the technical details,
but I do know that he felt that his advice and expertise was being ignored
with the result that FG was headed in the wrong direction, so he folded his
tent and left the project. Perhaps you received contrary advice, or
considered that his advice wasn't of value, but we never had that debate
IIRC. We could have done with not ending up like that.

Right now FG seems like a mess with lots of things which "used to work

        Screenshot directory entry in the gui  doesn't work

        Ditto Terrasync directory

        Tree textures are misaligned (here anyway)

        Manual Weather Input.

        Effects as above.

I know that this isn't all  to do with you - but from where I'm standing we
all seem to be a doing a fair representation of a headless chicken, rushing
about in all directions without really finishing anything. I'm having
difficulty keeping up with it, but I know that all this work has exciting

Oh - and btw the ALS still shows up a tear in the skydome that we have had
right from the beginning.

I thought perhaps it would be helpful if a native English speaker tried to
put things in perspective,


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