Eric Pement wrote:

> file and I'm at a novice level in all of this. So I'd like to build the
> .XSL file incrementally, seeing if I can print single tags from the .XML
> file, and then successively adding tags until I have a generalized
> solution that will work on whatever .XML file we feed it which obeys
> the given schema.

That is a sound approach.

> Right now, I'm getting an error message, "fo:flow must contain block-level
> children", which I don't know what to do with.  My input xsl code is this
> (with nonessentials removed):
>   <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
>       <xsl:apply-templates select="Title" />
>   </fo:flow>
>   . . .
>   <xsl:template match="[EMAIL PROTECTED]'title_1']">
>     <fo:block
>       font-size="24pt" line-height="28pt" text-align="start"
>       font-family="Helvetica" font-weight="bold" color="blue"
>       space-after.optimum="12pt">
>       <xsl:value-of select="Title" />
>     </fo:block>
>   </xsl:template>
> I want to insert the value of the <Title> tag if there is a
> t_style attribute of "title_1".  And as you might guess, later
> on if the attribute says "title_2", I select a different font
> size, color, and so forth.

I'm no XSLT expert, so your approach might be OK. However I would recommend
making your template match = "Title", then putting an <xsl:if> inside the
template to deal with the difference in attributes, perhaps by pointing to
separate templates for the two styles.

> I don't know why this error message is occurring, since I think
> the "block-level children" are invoked by the match. I would
> also like some pointers, web links or ideas on building an
> .XSL file in stages, since I seem to be failing even on the
> first steps. Thanks in advance.

You will benefit first from looking at this page:

By using the xalan script, you can store & later look at the actual FO code
that is created by the transformation. This will tell you whether your
stylesheet actually did what you intended.

Also, check out: and

Victor Mote

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