Eric Pement wrote:

> So I no longer get the error message. However, the content
> of the <fo:blocks> is now empty, and whatever is in the <Title>
> tags is being ignored and not printed in the output document.
> All Xalan did was to confirm that nothing is printed in the
> output. Problem is, it didn't tell me exactly why the content
> is being skipped. I guess I have more to discover.
> I changed this:
> >>   <xsl:template match="[EMAIL PROTECTED]'title_1']">
> >>     <fo:block
> >>       font-size="24pt" line-height="28pt" text-align="start"
> >>       font-family="Helvetica" font-weight="bold" color="blue"
> >>       space-after.optimum="12pt">
> >>       <xsl:value-of select="Title" />
> >>     </fo:block>
> >>   </xsl:template>
> and replaced <xsl:value-of ...> to <xsl:apply-templates> and it
> didn't help either. If anyone has any other suggestions, PLEASE
> pipe in and suggest something. Thanks much!!

First, one of the things that was not in your original posting is the
template that your
      <xsl:apply-templates select="Title" />
occurs in. So the first question is whether a "Title" element occurs in the
context of that template.

Second, your template implies that there needs to be not just a Title
element in the context, but one with the attribute t_style="title_1". So you
need to see whether that is true.

Third, I have some doubts whether
      <xsl:apply-templates select="Title" />
is going to find a match in:
      <xsl:template match="[EMAIL PROTECTED]'title_1']">
The fact that I have never seen it done before is not definitive, but it is
worrisome. I would use a different approach, at least to help in debugging
here, if the first two ideas above don't yield results. As I stated in an
earlier posting, if you see evidence that the match isn't occurring (and you
have), then have your template match any <Title> element, and put
conditional logic inside the template to handle the differences between

Fourth, even if any of this works, your <xsl:value-of select="Title"> will
probably not give you any results, because there is probably not going to be
an XPath expression that will match "Title" inside of your template for the
<Title> element. You probably want instead: <xsl:value-of select="."> If
your FO file has both <elements> in it (the one you wrapped around the
apply-templates, plus the one inside the Title template), then this is
probably all you need to fix. Otherwise, I think you have two problems.

Again, this is not the right forum to debug XSLT, nor to tutor in it. I hope
the resources posted earlier & the above ideas give you enough to chew on to
get going again.

Victor Mote

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