<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40536 >

> [book - Sat Nov 15 04:56:43 2008]:
> All I could find is a minor display annoyance in that if
> a fighter or bomber type unit has only 1 move left, then
> the "turns to target" label shows 1 turn instead of 0 when
> the user does a 1 tile goto. This is probably a bug in
> the gui and can be left for another ticket.

It is the same for classic goto. It is a part of the pf code. It always
has calculated this like that. If it should be modified, it would
require an other ticket.

> Since you already did the hardest part of the work,
> if you don't feel like doing this kind of "cleanup",
> I can do it myself later after committing this patch
> (in a few days, to give more people time to look at
> it and discuss).

I will try to finish this work.

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