<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40536 >

> [pepeto - Sat Nov 15 13:39:13 2008]:
> Feel free to modify the patch.

Alright, finally I have time to get back to this.

This time when testing I found that bombers when they
have to wait at a tile before doing an attack (i.e.
the attack destination is farther than the bomber's
immediate range), when the bomber does get to the
target instead of attacking it stops with the message
"Orders for bomber aborted as there are units in the

I also made some minor style changes (but I tested the
above both with and without them, to make sure it was
not caused by them), and I will post the modified
airgoto patch when I cannot find any more oddities. :)


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