<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40536 >

> [book - Mon Dec 01 03:54:35 2008]:
> This time when testing I found that bombers when they
> have to wait at a tile before doing an attack (i.e.
> the attack destination is farther than the bomber's
> immediate range), when the bomber does get to the
> target instead of attacking it stops with the message
> "Orders for bomber aborted as there are units in the
> way".

I suppose AI player unit moved on the bomber way.

> I also made some minor style changes (but I tested the
> above both with and without them, to make sure it was
> not caused by them), and I will post the modified
> airgoto patch when I cannot find any more oddities. :)

Minor changes ? Did you remove it completly or just forgot to post the
patch ? :P

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