On Fri, 26 Oct 2007, Bart Oldeman wrote:

> Indeed, the majority of past FreeDOS developers aren't very active. I
> might (help) try to get a new kernel release out of the door when I
> have time but that's all I can promise. But that's just collecting bug
> fixes and basic maintenance work.
> We've always had different goals for FreeDOS:
> 1. older PCs, too slow for Windows '95
> 2. embedded
> 3. emulators
> 4. recovery, exploiting the fact that DOS programs have unlimited
> hardware access, DOS being a 'glorified boot loader'
> 5. a desktop operating system for modern PCs
> Tom is interested in 4, I am interested in 3 (DOSEMU, so for me
> compatibility with existing DOS programs is the most important), and
> we've seen the occasional embedded developers (I think Lucho is) and
> charities coming by as time passed.

And (while I'm more a luser than a dev, though I have done some dev) I 
split between 1, 3 and 5, and have use for 4 also. 2's got its use too...

> And I do think DOS is quite restricted in what you can do with it: the
> fact that, no matter how obscure some undocumented detail is, there
> will be at least one DOS program that exploits it. That means that for
> any extension you cannot just adjust FreeDOS internally as one can
> freely do in Linux! But split up fields in structures so the high and
> low parts are far apart. Not to mention SMP: do CPU specific parts of
> the LoL or SDA always refer to CPU 0? It becomes uglier and uglier...
> At which point it just makes more sense to me to let a bigger OS
> multitask/process a more or less unchanged DOS, instead of letting DOS
> do the multitasking.

I have noticed that in MS-DOS a lot of the bigger or more 
hardware-specific (e.g. 286+, 386+) stuff is isolated into drivers, tsrs, 
etc., and not part of the DOS kernel proper, if that might be a better 


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