> > The name "untar.c" is very BAD ... it neglects the internal piping :-\
> Not sure what "internal piping" means here.
> You mean because it also supports Gzip?

Pipes the un-GZIP'ped data into the TAR (DOS itself can't).

> > > I personally think we must include CWSDPMI r7
> > why ?
> Because most things (FPC, GCC, GPC, FBC) assume it as default.
> Hence they haven't been tested with others as much.

FPC : just 1 DOS user

GCC : dropped CWSDPMI cca 10 years ago, requires NTVDM


> Binaries are built and tested mostly under Windows Vista Business (SP2)

GPC : just GCC frontend, nobody seems to use it

FBC : works well for me without CWSDPMI

> > > Yes, I think DJTAR does indeed do it all in one pass (in memory)
> > COOL ... but where is it ???
> It's in there: http://djgpp.cybermirror.org/beta/v2/djlsr204.zip 
> /src/utils/djtar/*

I'll check ;-)

> > > Well, yes, that's a flaw when you say "fbmd5 *.exe", and it overwrites
> > This sucks :-(
> It can be fixed, it should be a very very easy patch

The problem is, that I have more issues to fix, preferably at same time.

> > They are still in ... what archive listing do you see ???
> > http://jafile.com/uploads/dos386/fbmd5.zip
> Okay, it's there now, but I promise (!) it wasn't there the last time

The file hasn't changed during last 3 years ;-)

1.1-test is out:


>  I'd recommend only using it in virtual machines


~~~ wow ~~~

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