Your suggestion to "fdisk /mbr:81" (81=D:) was making much sense to me
because the disk was having grub on it before I erase all with fdisk
to make place for FreeDOS. So yes, it made sense that grub being
installed in MBR might made me not having normal MBR.
But trying "fdisk /mbr:81" have not helped: still rebooting in loop.
I check the filesystem in Linux, mounted it, seems fine.

When booting RescueCD on my multiboot USB (that I am using to write my
email), using A) SuperGrub, it detects and shows the FreeDOS OS, but
when I tried to boot from it, was having just the cursor blinking
endlessly in upperleft.
That said, when in multiboot USB, sometimes thing are not exactly as
they should. Like trying to run the FreeDOS that is partr of RescueCD
was having a divide by 0 error before the prompt appears.

Unsure at all how to continue... maybe download latest rescueCD and
burn it on a DVD.

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