
On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 10:44 AM, Andreas K. Foerster <a...@akfoerster.de> 
> You can also use [BCC/Dev86] on a GNU/Linux system as a cross compiler.
> Use the option -Md to produce DOS binaries.
> (Note: the version in FreeDOS is older and doesn't have the program
> unprotoize available.)

For the record, at user request (bug #183), I had grabbed unproto
sources and built it with BCC itself for us, so it's there now.
Checking the .ZIP, it shows UNPROTO.EXE [actually a .COM] dated April
8, 2017, so "update" your "package"!   ;-)

Not perfect, but you can use "-ansi" now, for slightly less pain.


(Though I still think other compilers are a better choice, e.g. SmallerC.)

> P.S.:
> My four-in-a-row game can be build under FreeDOS with BCC:
> https://akfoerster.de/dl/akf-software/row4.zip

I may finally make a "package" from this one of these days. Is that okay?

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