Am Freitag, dem 27. Okt 2017 schrieb Rugxulo:

> For the record, at user request (bug #183), I had grabbed unproto
> sources and built it with BCC itself for us, so it's there now.
> Checking the .ZIP, it shows UNPROTO.EXE [actually a .COM] dated April
> 8, 2017, so "update" your "package"!   ;-)
> Not perfect, but you can use "-ansi" now, for slightly less pain.

Thank you!

> I may finally make a "package" from this one of these days. Is that okay?

Sorry for the delay (disruptive personal issues.)
Does that look okay to you?
The file in LINKS\ROW4T.BAT doesn't seem to work...

AKFoerster <>

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