Am Sonntag, dem 29. Okt 2017 schrieb Mateusz Viste:

> On Sat, 28 Oct 2017 21:56:22 +0200, Andreas K. Foerster wrote:
> > The old version did a "busy-waiting". That was bad, when you run it on
> > top of a multi-tasking system in an emulator. It waists cpu-cycles.
> Even on a single-user DOS it is bad: increased power consumption, heat, 
> less battery time...

Oh, I always was aware of that. I was only struggeling with finding
a good solution.

> > The new version makes use of the hlt instruction.
> Not good either. You should rather issue a proper 'idle' int and let the 
> task scheduler or power manager do its job.

"task scheduler"? "power manager"? There must be a misunderstanding 
somewhere. I am talking only about the DOS version.

The hlt instruction is only used when you compile the DOS program 
with bcc (""). The ports to other systems use other 
system-specific APIs for the user interface. (Even the code for DJGPP
is different.)

To me DOS is a single-tasking system and I treat it like that. When you 
run the DOS program on top of a multi-tasking system, you run it in a 
virtualized or emulated machine. So the hlt instruction only pauses the 
virtualized cpu, not the real one. It shouldn't affect the rest of 
the system.

I am aware that there are some TSR-programs that might not work with 
that, but that has always been a problem with games, if I remember 

AKFoerster <>

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