Or you could make sure your DEFAULT realm is set up. Your current configuration should work if you have a DEFAULT realm in your proxy.conf. If it doesn't work using the default realm, change your etc_smbpasswd line to use the Stripped-User-Name, but I think it should already attempt to use it if its present. It's not present, though, because no realm is found. The DEFAULT realm will catch all realm instances that aren't specifically set up.


Michael Griego
Wireless LAN Project Manager
The University of Texas at Dallas

Alan DeKok wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Seymour) wrote:

a) adding "ADMINNB\jseymour" as a user in the smb passwd file

That's not practical. "ADMINNB" is that specific laptops NETBIOS name.

  testing != deployment

  First, get it to work.  Then, get it to work in a real deployment.

 If you want to use "jseymour" as a key for the smb passwd file,
convince the server to use that string, and not any other.

Is there a way I can do it irrespective of the supposed "domain?"

  In "hints":

DEFAULT User-Name =~ "\\(.*)$"
        My-Local-User-Name = "%{1}"

  Then, in smb_passwd, use My-Local-User-Name as the key.  You will
have to define it in the dictionaries, too.

  That should work, I think.

  Alan DeKok.

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