On Dec 22, 2008, at 10:22 AM, rob...@cirrillian.com wrote:
Well, my trusty Dell laptop HD has probebly died giving me an opportunity to upgrade to the next best thing. The next best thing must still be a laptop, runs Apache, MySQL and PHP, GIMP and screams, for minimum bucks, for all round office use and web development. Is it a MacOSX, Windows XP/Vista or Linux? Any thoughts to put in my note to Santa would be greatly appreciated.

Ouch, sorry to hear of the death of a loved one!

Steve recently became a Switcher, and may have some insights.

Mine would be to consider your entire ecology of computational devices: Phones, Cameras, Desktops, Servers/Hosting, Web Services (Google Mail, Cal, Docs), and see them as a whole. Then see if a change or two makes sense in this larger whole.

I've not had a desktop for quite some time, but I'm considering a slight move back to one .. or at least a server within my home. Most of us have our laptop become our desktop, and that means mobility is compromised. Then NetBooks peak in, things that are quite light, have better battery life, travel well but are under-powered when looked at in the traditional way.

But if supported by the entire ecology, netbooks actually might fit in nicely. And Google Docs are changing the game for many of us .. not only available to us on all our digital devices (yes, you can edit your docs from your phone, netbook, notebook, kiosk, and so on) .. but also easily shared so others can work easily with you.

Just a thought. Mainly considering the whole pile of stuff and services!

    -- Owen

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