Well, my trusty Dell laptop HD has probebly died giving me an opportunity to upgrade to the next best thing. The next best thing must still be a laptop, runs Apache, MySQL and PHP, GIMP and screams, for minimum bucks, for all round office use and web development. Is it a MacOSX, Windows XP/Vista or Linux? Any thoughts to put in my note to Santa would be greatly appreciated.
To address the `screams' part of the question, perhaps in a somewhat obscure way..
There's this effort to introduce external PCI Express 2.0 ports and cabling:

There aren't many laptops yet with it, though..

Besides providing high-end graphics to laptops, it could also facilitate hybrid computing where one has a general purpose processor (the laptop) connected to an accelerator blade/box and the two can share memory (@ 4Gbytes/sec!) via a programmable direct memory access controller.


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