Steve,  you perhaps accidentally point out what in my opinion is the
primary weakness of this so-called "Complexity" group.  That weakness
being, again solely in my opinion, an inability or perhaps an unwillingness
to face the real substantive, important complexity issues that surround us.

Instead, the group nearly always proposes to study some superficial
abstract, academic side issue.  It doesn't seem to matter what the
particular "complexity" issue du Jour is, the "solution" proposed, but
never implemented by the members of this list is *always* some abstract,
distancing, academic approach.

Not that I am picking on you, really I am not.  But seriously, are you
proposing to use an ABM to explain the societal effects of religious
fundamentalism?  That would be a side show.  It would place a level of
abstraction between the real issue and the observer which would totally
mask the underlying causal issues.

Those issues, of course, being the irrational, hateful, harmful effects of
mass adherence to narrow, fundamental religious dogma, plus whatever the
deep underlying psychological urges are that constantly seem to draw whole
populations into those belief systems.

You don't need an ABM to illustrate that; you need a few good history books.

And if you want to understand why people are so prone to locking themselves
into destructive, exclusive, egocentric world-views, well, good luck with
that.   I suspect however that game theoretics and ABMs are not the proper
tools for the job.


On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 7:16 AM, Steve Smith <> wrote:

>  Hussein -
> I hear you...   many of us are challenged to defend the name of our God or
> our Faith or our gender or our cultural or genetic heritage or sexual
> orientation or hair color or set of our jaw.  Even when  obviously (but
> superficially?) motivated, these are false challenges and to accept them is
> a fools game.
> The shrill voices against Islam (or even "ahem" Mormons) are not helping,
> even if some who act in it's name are doing horrific things.  Those who
> paint with a broad brush can only slop their own paint on themselves...
> From much distance at all, everyone else looks like "other".
> I'm often disappointed with this list (myself included) that we invoke the
> terms of Complexity Science but don't often take it anywhere.
> Is there a game theoretic model, or more to the point, an agent model
> based on game theoretic principles that might help to illuminate this
> phenomenon?  The phenomena of personal vs shared belief, sectarianism,
> intolerance?   Is there a small subset (in the spirit of the oft-cited MOTH
> strategy for prisoner's dilemma) of the phenomena that can show a bit of it?
> - Steve
>  --
> Los Alamos Visualization Associates
> LAVA-Synergy
> 4200 W. Jemez rd
> Los Alamos, NM 87544www.lava3d.comsas@lava3d.com505-920-0252
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