Of course, Owen, we could be asking the same thing about the "good"
Catholic community regarding all the years of child sex abuse and coverups
in that religion.

On Sep 14, 2012 4:30 PM, "Owen Densmore" <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:

> My interest is not the extremists, but the fact that the leaders and
> majority do not protest against them, do not make themselves heard.
> So it is about religion, but it could equally be about the NRA or racism
> or human rights or whatever.  Where the majority is silent.  And the
> leaders do not lead.
> Not that I don't understand the religious issues, and your clear points
> against them (and with which I am sympathetic), but that I'm looking at
> another, broader issue that seems to appear not only in religions but many
> other areas.
> Is it not striking to you that the leaders and majority are silent?  We
> know many Muslims here in Santa Fe who are sane and gracious.  They deplore
> the extreme events. But they have not yet found a platform for inserting
> Islam, the Good Parts, and their deploring the extremists, into the public
> discourse.
>    -- Owen
> On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Douglas Roberts <d...@parrot-farm.net>wrote:
>> Let's see if I understand you correctly, Owen.
>> There are a bunch of fundamentalist Islamists all up in arms shouting
>> "Allahu Akhbar" whilst burning down our embassies and killing our diplomats
>> because there is a film out that is derogatory of the Muslim religion.
>> And this is not about religion?
>> I don't see it.
>> Or you don't see it.
>> What I do see is that there is one very large disconnect on this
>> particular issue.
>> --Doug
>> On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net>wrote:
>>> I do not believe this to be a religious issue at all.  The question is
>>> of groups and institutions.
>>> When a faction of a group becomes apparently insane, do we not expect
>>> the entire group, its leaders and majority, to speak up and to mend?
>>> When civil rights were an issue in the south, many of us (I was at
>>> Georgia Tech) spoke up, and indeed many churches of all stripes did so.
>>>  Many NRA members also speak up about the extreme position the organization
>>> takes.  Examples abound.  And yes, I consider this a Complexity domain,
>>> much like Miller's Applause model.
>>> Isn't this possibly a cultural issue?  Possibly regional?  The largest
>>> Muslim population is not Libya or Egypt or even all of the middle east,
>>> its Indonesia.  They do not appear to have this issue.
>>> So my question stands as Kofi stated:
>>>     "Where are the leaders?  Where is the Majority?  Nobody speaks up."
>>> NOT the religious leaders but the leaders of the culture in which the
>>> religion lies.
>>> And Hussein, forgive me, but your inward religious stance has nothing to
>>> do with speaking out against injustice.  It is not a religious issue, but a
>>> civic, cultural one.
>>>    -- Owen
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>> Doug Roberts
>> drobe...@rti.org
>> d...@parrot-farm.net
>> http://parrot-farm.net/Second-Cousins
>> <http://parrot-farm.net/Second-Cousins>
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