Steve Smith wrote at 03/26/2013 01:43 PM:
> I have to say that your world-view (which I think you will claim doesn't
> exist or at least that *I* can't possibly come to share) continues to be
> more and more fascinating as you pull back more layers of otherwise
> "common" understandings which you don't share with the world at large.  
> I mean this in the most favorable way.
> The hardest part about it all is that the more I think I understand your
> world view, the more I believe your world view doesn't allow for me to
> actually understand your world view!

I appreciate the sentiment.  Thanks.

The trick lies in the <Delete> key. 8^)  I am the worst type of troll.
(Seriously, I can list at least 3 places where the majority of
participants will insist that I'm a troll and nothing but a troll.  And
I can't really disagree. cf: Torkel Franzen[*])  I thrive on paradox and
contradiction. Hail Eris!

Nothing is more fun for me than searching for singularities or
discontinuities in seemingly robust thoughts.  Finding them is fun, too.
 But the search is more fun.  And I found quite a bit in common with
your "tunneling" from clique to clique metaphor. So... what?  "Same
here", I guess.

Rejoice in Error, brother.

=><= glen e. p. ropella
Sign my release from this planet's erosion

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