Tory and Glen,

Meaty.  Thanks.  The Buddhist part of me gets you, Glen.  So when I meet in 
Jordan this summer with our group of grass-roots Palestinian activists (all 
women in their 20s) I shall facilitate only ACTION, and no--or very 
little--interactive dialogue.  And although I no longer believe in any 
"forward" motion involving nonlinear social dynamics, I can assure you that I 
have a PERCEPTION that the motion/movement in regard to Middle East peace 
building is distinctly backwards.  

Do you guys believe the metaphor of the Edge of Chaos is applicable here for 
promoting hope?  I use it to say with a perfectly straight face:  this is when 
change is most likely to happen.

On Mar 26, 2013, at 2:43 PM, Steve Smith wrote:

> Glen -
> I have to say that your world-view (which I think you will claim doesn't 
> exist or at least that *I* can't possibly come to share) continues to be more 
> and more fascinating as you pull back more layers of otherwise "common" 
> understandings which you don't share with the world at large.   I mean this 
> in the most favorable way.
> The hardest part about it all is that the more I think I understand your 
> world view, the more I believe your world view doesn't allow for me to 
> actually understand your world view!
> Why does head hurt when Hulk try to think?
> - Steve
>> Victoria Hughes wrote at 03/26/2013 12:02 PM:
>>> I'm curious- how do you talk to your friends? Or your children, if
>>> you have any? Or those you want to teach you something?
>> Great question!  I'm often frustrated by my conversations with my
>> friends.  I usually feel like I'm offering alternative explanations for
>> various things.  They almost universally end up believing I'm
>> "contrarian" or "argumentative".  It's unclear to me why they tolerate
>> me.  It usually goes something like this:
>> Them: X happened.  So to compensate, I will do Y.
>> Me: But perhaps Z really happened and you only thought it was X.  And if
>> that's the case, then perhaps P is a better course of action.
>> Them: No, there's no way that Z happened.  It was definitely X.
>> Me: There's a person/book/article/theory/... that Z can be mistaken for
>> X or that X is a side effect of Z.
>> Them: No way.  I know the truth.  I have access to reality.
>> Me: OK.
>> Then after I get home (it's usually a dinner party or somesuch), I find
>> the person/book/article/... and e-mail it to them.  In response I get
>> nothing... not even the sound of crickets. 8^)
>> That's how I usually talk to people, friends or not.  I have no
>> children, thank Cthulu.  And I wish people would do the same with me.
>> I.e. provide alternatives to whatever gravity well I'm stuck in.
>>> From my perspective, anything that is actually asking a question,
>>> and actually listening and considering the answer, and inquiring
>>> into it for new information, and then integrating new information
>>> to continue the dialogue, is not intellectual posturing.
>> In any other conversation, I'd agree.  But in this conversation, I'll
>> propose the following.  Competent posturing requires just as much
>> asking, listening, consideration, and integration as does non-posturing.
>> I say this from the perspective of fighting.  A good fighter knows that
>> the feint is a legitimate fighting move.  Yes, you may have to unpack
>> it's _role_ in the fight.  But it's just as much a part of fighting as a
>> straightforward attack or defense.
>> The same could be said of, say, my cat's fur fluffing up and it turning
>> sideways when a dog appears.  Yes, it's posturing.  But it's just as
>> much a part of the interaction as the lightning fast pop to the snout.
>> And remember, I offer this in the spirit of alternatives.  I
>> legitimately believe I'm offering you an alternative, albeit one you
>> already know but may not have (yet) invoked in this conversation.
>>> Communication exists for many purposes. I believe that
>>> communication, of which sharing ideas and information is one
>>> category, is not a hierarchical system but a needs-based system. So
>>> by that definition, dialogue is always expressing something about the
>>> speaker, and her/his intentions towards the listener. And (in most
>>> cases other than for a didactic purpose) the purpose is the back and
>>> forth of the dialogue. Then what that reciprocity brings to the
>>> participants.
>> Heh, now you're just pushing my buttons!  I don't believe communication
>> (as normally conceived) exists at all.  The ideas in your head are
>> forever and completely alien to my head.  You may have a mechanism for
>> faithfully translating your ideas into your action or inferring ideas
>> from your perceptions.  And I may have similarly faithful translators.
>> But the similarity between your ideas and mine is zero, even if/when the
>> similarity in our behaviors is quite high.
>> But, that doesn't change your conclusion, which I agree with.
>> Reciprocity is critical to the interaction.  The difference is only that
>> I believe in sharing actions.  The ideas are not shared and largely useless.
>>> If there is no particular forward motion brought about by the
>>> dialogue - in the direction of the purpose for which the dialogue
>>> was established - than that is posturing.
>> I'll offer another alternative.  There is no "forward".  There is only
>> movement, change.  While we may share a behavior space, we probably
>> don't share a vector, a line of progression, in that space.  Hence, what
>> you may see as posturing (or aimless wandering), I may legitimately feel
>> to be progress ... even if it's postmodern gobbledygook.
>>> But there are a myriad of options for philosophical dialogue that do
>>> have functional growth / expansion / increased knowledge.
>> I agree, except there is no such thing as knowledge in the idealistic,
>> intellectual sense.  There is only _competence_, the ability to perform,
>> to achieve.  And that includes the modification of what we _say_ and how
>> we say it by saying things together.
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