I don't think I said that math couldn't be mapped onto things.  I only said
that such mappings are not essential to math and, further, that when such
mappings occur, the door is opened for confusion that is opened in any
semantic relation.  


Barry will have to handle the rest of what you said.  




From: Friam [mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com] On Behalf Of Owen Densmore
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 5:12 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Isomorphism between computation and philosophy


No, I think we can make a mapping from mathematical concepts to things.
Integers, for example, can be made to map onto any discrete semantic
concept.  At the simplest level, we can nicely define an atom.  We can make
a countable mapping onto them (note: countable can be finite).  There's lots
of atoms, but mathematics comfortably manages.


Similarly, computers are concrete things.  We have a fine mathematics for
computational devices, a hierarchy of devices: Finite State Automata,
Context Free Languages, and Turring Machines.  They all have equivalent,
somewhat more powerful, devices like the Non Deterministic Finite Automata
set which can all be reduced to FSAs.


This is pretty concrete: we can with extreme confidence discuss what these
machines can do and classify programs that can or cannot be implemented by


More properly, we can discuss inputs to devices as "alphabets over symbol
sets".  We can define the accepting states of the device, thus equivalently
the substrings of the alphabets that are accepted by the device.  We can
also define our devices quite clearly.  


For example, the FSA is a 5-tuple (Q, S, d, q0, F) where Q are a finite set
of states, S is the finite set of symbols, the alphabet, d is a delta
function which given a symbol and a state yields a next state, q0 is the
start state, and F is a subset of Q which "accept" the input string.  The
set of strings that end up at F are called the "language" of the device.


These are both abstract and concrete.  But given an alphabet and a FSA
5-tuple, I can prove things about the inputs and outputs.  In particular,
given an alphabet of {0,1}  I can prove that there is no FSA that can accept
the language of n-0s followed by exactly n-1's where n can be arbitrary but
finite.  In other words, I can prove a FSA cannot "count".


Briefly, we can also show that the higher device level, the Turing Machine,
has similar limits.  The proof is fairly simple, proving that the languages
of a TM is the continuum while the number of inputs is countable infinite.
Thus there are members of the languages that a TM could accept that are
outside of the countable computations of a TM.


So there's stuff we can't compute.


The joy of the symbolic/axiomatic approach is not that it is free of
semantics, but that we can devise ways to map math to real things.


I doubt you would say this does not mean anything.


   -- Owen


On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Nicholas Thompson
<nickthomp...@earthlink.net> wrote:



One of the reasons that mathematical language can be so precise is that it
isn't ABOUT anything, right?   The minute one adds semantics .. the minute
one applies mathematics to anything . all the problems of ordinary language
begin to manifest themselves, don't they?  




From: Friam [mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com] On Behalf Of Owen Densmore
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 3:50 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Isomorphism between computation and philosophy


One has to be careful with nearly all the "impossibility" theorems: Arrow's
voting, the speed of light, Godel, Heisenberg, decidability, NoFreeLunch,
... and so on.


To tell the truth, Godel .. it seems to me .. says to the practicing
mathematician that the axioms have to be very carefully chosen.  Its sorta
like linear algebra: a system can be over constrained .. thus contain
impossibilities, or under constrained thus have multiple solutions.


But all I'm hoping for is any attempt to make the words Nick and others have
be as precise as a computer language.  If this is the case, then we can use
the lovely computation hierarchy from FSA, to CFL to Turing/Church.  But
then, most mathematicians know none of this structure either.  Sigh. 


I wish philosophy had the same constraints where bugs could be found.  On
the other hand, ambiguity can be a huge plus, as any spoken language shows.


   -- Owen


On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Barry MacKichan
<barry.mackic...@mackichan.com> wrote:

 Curious. Isn't the proof of Godel's theorem a special case of this?


As I understand it, the proof is this:


Consider the statement: This theorem is not provable. If it is false, the
theorem is provable. Since 'provable' implies true, this is a contradiction.
Therefore the theorem is true, which means it is true and not provable.


The genius in Godel's method is that he created an isomorphism between the
domain of the previous paragraph, and arithmetic, and the isomorphism
preserves truth and provability. Thus the above theorem corresponds to a
statement in arithmetic that is true and not provable. What is this
statement, you might ask. Well, evidently it is far to complex to compute or
write down (although it would be interesting to see if more powerful
computers or quantum computers would change this.)


Anyway, that true but non-provable theorem shows that number theory (aka
arithmetic) is incomplete -- that's the definition of incomplete in this





On Apr 16, 2013, at 10:25 AM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:


On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Nicholas Thompson
<nickthomp...@earthlink.net> wrote:

Can anybody translate this for a non programmer person?



Nick's question brings up a project I'd love to see: an attempt at an
isomorphism between computation and philosophy. (An isomorphism is a 1 to 1,
onto mapping from one to another, or a bijection.)


For example, in computer science, "decidability" is a very concrete idea.
Yet when I hear philosophical terms, and dutifully look them up in the
stanford dictionary of philosophy, I find myself suspicious of circularity.


Decidability is interesting because it proves not all computations can
successfully expressed as "programs".  It does this by using two infinities
of different cardinality (countable vs continuum).


Does philosophy deal in constructs that nicely map onto computing, possibly
programming languages?  


I'm not specifically concerned with decidability, only use that as an
example because it shows the struggle in computer science for modeling
computation itself, from Finite Automata, Context Free Languages, and to
Turing Machines (or equivalently lambda calculus).


I don't dislike philosophy, mainly thanks to conversations with Nick.  And I
do know that axiomatic approaches to philosophy have been popular.  


So is there a possible isomorphism?


   -- Owen

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