Owen wrote -


At times your discourse tends to be as specialized as any techy's, I think.


Nick replies --  Well, then call me on it!  There is nothing that drives me
wilder - in myself or others ---- than pretentious bafflegab.  The problem
becomes more difficult when one is talking to a highly various audience like
FRIAM.  But any time you - owen -- don't understand something that I am
saying, demand clarification and  I will do my best to find a common
language by which to express myself.  Another fair question you might ask,
is, "Ytf should I care?"  This sort of intensive communication may involve
going off line, lest I drive the list nuts, because, as you all know, I am
relentless about this sort of thing.  And of course, there is always the
possibility of discovering that the thing one was trying to say was not
clear in the first place.  Those are ugly but educative moments. 


There is an important distinction between communicating and mouthing off and
I am determined to honor it.  




From: Friam [mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com] On Behalf Of Owen Densmore
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 10:49 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Isomorphism between computation and philosophy


On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Nicholas Thompson
<nickthomp...@earthlink.net> wrote:

And I am trying to get folks here to confront the problem of putting in
their own words things they think are obvious for other folks for whom these
things are not obvious.


This reminds me of Einsteins famous quote: Everything should be made as
simple as possible, but not simpler.


And, forgive me Nick, you have the same problem too, right?  At times your
discourse tends to be as specialized as any techy's, I think.


   -- Owen

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