On 07/06/2015 11:10 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
At some point won’t these behaviors too be mastered by machine learning?   
Obviously, I’m not just taking on gaming here, I’m taking on the idea that 
people ought to master narrow “skill sets” at all.    Ok, so a gamer can track 
7 objects instead of 3.   Machines could track hundreds or thousands.  Better 
to design the machine, no?

Arbitrary google response:

  Age-related differences in multiple-object tracking.

Let's say you wanted to, I don't know, _drive_ or maybe juggle ... or simple play flag 
football with your grandchildren.  It seems like multiple object tracking exercise might 
help.  It's a bit silly to suggest such skills are always "narrow".

I had an interesting discussion the other day.  A friend suggested she _needed_ a 
personal trainer in order to exercise, that without the trainer, she would neither be 
motivated nor know what/how to do various exercises.  She used this 
"disability" of hers to argue that she doesn't get much out of yoga (the 1 or 2 
times she tried it, heh).  I can't really sympathize much with her position.  The point 
of exercising is to consistently _try_ things ... to poke around and see how/if you could 
do it slightly differently.  Having another person tell you what/how to do something is 
way less rewarding than learning how to do it yourself ... even if all we're talking 
about is twirling a coin between your fingers.  (Sure, if you're really really good at 
something and you want to be much better, then you need a trainer to sqeeze out that 
hidden performance, but not at the amateur level.)  For the exact same reason, running on 
forest trails (as opposed to treadmills or in circles on a rubber trac
k) is actually a very "broad" skill.  And it's a very handy one.

Is it better to build a robot that can run on forest trails?  No.  That would 
be very cool.  But having your robot run around the mountain isn't near as 
rewarding as doing it yourself.  Is it better to build a robot to run in 
circles on a rubber track?  Yes, absolutely.  I see zero benefit from having 
humans do that, much less rewarding the fastest ones with medals. 8^)

⇔ glen

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