On Jul 6, 2015 6:02 PM, "Parks, Raymond" <> wrote:

>    Human behaviour is human behaviour and it has not changed in 50,000+
> years.  Humans act in their own self-interest at many levels - see Maslow's
> Hierarch of Needs.  The purpose of civilization is to allow humans to
> behave the way they will behave with as little destructive collateral
> effects as possible.  Sometimes, the structures of a society and government
> are enough to control the behaviour - sometimes more force is necessary.
> The key is to apply as little force as is necessary and to be perceived as
> applying the force fairly (not necessarily equally).
>    Unfortunately, society and government are made up of humans and they
> will find ways to use what power is allotted to them by other humans in
> ways that are advantageous to themselves.  History shows that no matter how
> idealistic and utopian the original goal of a society or government it will
> be changed by the humans in charge to give themselves advantage.  The
> purpose of the US constitution is to pit these humans against each other so
> that their pursuit of self-interest will be in conflict with others in
> government.  The intent of the writers was that each group would prevent
> the others from gaining enough power to be destructive - thus the
> separation of powers into three branches of government.
>    Humans also tend to form groups and place the survival of the group as
> more important than the survival of other groups.  When the group rises to
> the status of a nation-state or boundary-crossing movement (usually
> religious), the groups can get into conflict.  This is a fact of the human
> condition.  The best prepared group will survive these conflicts.  War
> games are one of the methods of preparing.  I understand your plea  and I
> sympathize - but history proves that we can't all just get along.
>  Ray Parks
>  On Jul 6, 2015, at 1:31 PM, Gary Schiltz wrote:
>  It’s such a shame that we still “can’t all just get along”, and
> instead keep developing more and more advanced ways of subjugating
> each other, killing and terrorizing. The liberal vs. conservative
> noise in the USA got me thinking a lot about this. When I moved to EC,
> the previous 8 years of BushCo had moved my politics pretty far left,
> to the point that I was quite happy with Correa’s victory. Now, after
> seeing the extent to which the past corruption has been merely
> legitimized (pushed upward), I’m not so sure where I stand. It seems
> to me that a lot of human history is some variation of the theme of
> "you have more than I have, that’s not fair, so I’m going to take some
> (all in some cases) from you.” There’s a lot to be said for that. If
> we didn’t have such strong strucutres in place (governments, social
> norms), we would each have just about what we could defend against our
> neighbors. The problem is that governments, especially in conjunction
> with philosophies and religions, can legitimize quite a range of
> behaviors, and our war games (real and otherwise) just enforce this.
> On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 12:40 PM, Parks, Raymond <>
> wrote:
> You are venturing into the world of serious games.  Humans have always
> played games to sharpen intellect, gain skills, refine tactics, understand
> the ramifications of strategy, and entertain themselves.  I'm currently
> helping to author a paper about the security requirements of serious games,
> so this subject is fresh in my mind.
>  As hunter-gatherers, humans allowed their children to play hide and seek,
> use child-sized weapons, and hunt small game.  These were practice games
> for
> adulthood.
>  This concept of transforming necessary military skills and learning them
> by
> games, either as children or later as adults, has continued throughout
> human
> history.  In the 1800s, the Prussians added to the physical games with
> tabletop (or sandtable top) intellectual games that abstracted military
> units and allowed future officers to play without having to use real
> people,
> animals, and supplies.  That game was called Kriegspiel and has continued
> to
> evolve to this day.
>  Chess is sometimes considered the original Kriegspiel.  Most historians
> agree it is derived from Chaturanga, invented in the Gupta Empire somewhere
> between 280 and 550 CE.  Modern chess was formalized from the derivative of
> shatranj (Muslim version from the original) in about 900-1000 CE in
> southern
> Europe.  As a game, chess trains the player to think ahead, understand the
> consequences of their actions, and generally improves the mind.
>  In the age of Industrial Warfare new weapons, new logistics, new
> transportation, new communication methods, and the sheer size of armies
> required games to understand the bitter lessons learned in wars.  These
> games were physical games to learn how all of these factors interact in the
> physical world before they could be abstracted to the tabletop as
> Kriegspiel.  As late as the buildup to the US entry into WWII, the Army
> held
> huge maneuver exercises in the South to practice and understand how war was
> already being fought in Europe.
>  Those large, physical games still take place, but as computers have
> become
> more and more important parts of the military, the games have added
> computers.  These computers have themselves effectively created a fifth
> domain for military conflict (after Land, Sea, Air, and Space) which most
> authorities call Cyberspace.  The interesting aspect of this is that,
> increasingly, the other domains are being abstracted into Cyberspace.  A
> pilot might either fly a physical airplane as part of an exercise or they
> may fly a simulator.  Either way, their actions are translated to a
> scorekeeping mechanism that is automated.
>  There is an interesting trend within the videogame community where
> players
> create modifications of the game they love playing.  I get Amazon Local
> emails because of my Prime membership, and one offer I have seen a lot,
> recently, is a course to teach a child how to create mods for Minecraft.
> Modding Minecraft involves learning Java, understanding the data storage
> scheme of the game, and understanding the "physics engine" of Minecraft.
> This all translates to skills useful in programming and software systems
> engineering.  Mods for other games are similiar in nature.
>  The bottom line here is that games have been one of mankind's way of
> learning and researching for a very long time.  Some games are more
> valuable
> for learning specific things while others are more entertaining.  Just as
> not everybody needs and wants to do "productive" work, not everybody needs
> and wants to play strictly serious games like agent-based simulation (yes,
> I
> am saying that many of the folks on this list are playing games in their
> work and research).  There is a spectrum of entertainment that describes
> games - some games are strictly business and some games are a little
> business with lots of entertainment.  Entertainment can be necessary to
> entice players to the game to learn.  Sometimes, the entertainment becomes
> the primary goal of the players and any learning is purely happenstance.
>  Personally, I like games because they help me hone my bad guy skills.
> In a
> very few cases, I learn new real-world attacks from the game content,
> usually from seeing other people try things that I assumed would not work.
> More often, I figure out how to use the game functions to win more easily -
> something that equates directly to using a system with computers to attack
> itself.  Occasionally, I learn how to break the computer program behind the
> game in a way that works for non-game computer programs.
>  Ray Parks
> Consilient Heuristician/IDART Old-Timer
> V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
> SIPR: (send NIPR reminder)
> JWICS: (send NIPR reminder)
>  On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:44 PM, cody dooderson wrote:
>  This is a very interesting subject. I often wonder if Im doing anything
> useful for society and/or the universe. I think the answer is probably no,
> but the future is notoriously hard to predict. It seems like most useful
> inventions are born from silly fascinations. For instance, fire was
> probably
> once thought of as a frivolous and sometimes dangerous magic trick. Same
> with music, microscopes, gun powder, and quantum physics. As for video
> games, I wonder if they will ever become useful, for anything other than
> training drone pilots. I hope so.
> Any way, I hope you all figure out whats useful before my mid-life crisis.
>  Cody Smith
>  On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 9:09 PM, Nick Thompson <
> >
> wrote:
>   But Gary!  How do you make that distinction ... the difference between
> the
>  innocent useless and the harmful useless?  I took a whack at that in the
>  article I sent, but I never felt I nailed it.
>   Nick
>   Nicholas S. Thompson
>  Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
>  Clark University
>   -----Original Message-----
>  From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Gary Schiltz
>  Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2015 10:06 PM
>  To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
>  Subject: Re: [FRIAM] DOH!
>   Well, you’re in good company here :-)
>   Actually, I also distinguish between “the useful stuff” that we do and
> the
>  less useful, but I suspect that both are necessary. We're complex
> creatures
>  that become bored doing only the useful stuff, and our brains need for
> us to
>  do “the fun stuff” too. Maybe it’s somehow like sleep, nothing obviously
>  productive is occuring, but it appears to perform some necessary
>  physiological functions (cleanup of waste products, other?) as well as
>  leading to various conceptual leaps that don’t seem to come as much in
>  conscious thought.
>   Now, the *real* bullshit of constantly new stuff just to get us to buy
> it,
>  I’m more dubious about that. Maybe in the same way that the arms race and
>  SDI led us to create new useful stuff, creating endless new crap has some
>  useful function. I don’t know.
>   “Give us bread, but give us roses"
>   On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 8:51 PM, Nick Thompson <
>  wrote:
>   So's my wife!  And I love her dearly!  And after all, I made my living
>   studying the behavior of crows.  I enjoy bull shit and bullshitters.
>    But still, Gary, are you committed to the notion that there is no
> useful
>   distinction to be made between bullshit and productive labor?   And is
> there
>   nothing queer about the idea that some people get to earn their living
> doing
>   bullshit, while others have to do productive labor?
>    Nick
>    Nicholas S. Thompson
>   Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology Clark University
>    -----Original Message-----
>   From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Gary
>   Schiltz
>   Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2015 9:36 PM
>   To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
>   Subject: Re: [FRIAM] DOH!
>    My god, it’s full of…. BULLSHIT!
>    Well, making things and growing food are great, but it would be a lot
>   less interesting world if that’s all we did. Certainly Santa Fe would
> be.
>    Gary [husband of an artist]
>    On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Nick Thompson
>   <> wrote:
>    Dear Friammers,
>     I am late to this conversation but it has just impinged on something
>    I have been thinking about a LOT.  I used to be sure that there was a
>    firm distinction between productive labor and … to use the technical
>    term … bullshit.  Growing food and making automobile engines were
>    examples of productive labor;  designing this year’s fashions in
>    automobiles and clothing, that was an example of bull shit.  It truly
>    disgusts me that the automobile industry designs a pretty good car
>    every decade or so, and then, stops making them because, because,
>    after all, there always must be something new.  (Oh what has Subaru
>    done the Forrester and Volvo to the Volvo Wagon?  Once they comfortable
>    boxes in which to carry people around.
>    Now they both look like outsized running shoes with gun slits for
>    windows.
>    That’s the essence of bullshit.   LL Beans had a pretty good winter
>    coat a
>    decade back; can’t get it any more.  More bullshit.
>     Now gambling and gaming in any form (e.g., investment banking) seem
>    to me to lean pretty heavily on the side of bullshit.  But I have
>    begun to worry that, one of these days, I am going to wake up having
>    realized in a dream that EVERYTHING is bullshit.  Certainly that’s
>    the direction that complexity thinking leads us.  Or, at least, to
>    the realization that because there is nowhere near enough productive
>    labor to go around, most of us have to paid to do bullshit to keep us
>    from doing real harm.  Anyway, Penny and I published something about
>    that
>    35 years back.  Perhaps some of you like to look at it.  It’s called,
>    “A Utopian Perspective on Ecology and
>    Development.”   For all I know, you might its first readers! The
>    authors
>    would love to hear from you.
>     Nick
>     Nicholas S. Thompson
>     Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
>     Clark University
>     From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Marcus
>    Daniels
>    Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2015 6:21 PM
>    To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
>    Subject: Re: [FRIAM] DOH!
>     Arlo writes:
>     “It is not some secret mystical human experience, nor does it have to
>    be some weird pop-culture cult, but just another way to spend some free
>    time.”
>     I suppose the distinction I’m making is between open vs. closed or
>    leading
>    vs. following.   With so much unknown in the world, why use hours of
>    wakefulness to enumerate the states of a finite state machine?   In
>    what way
>    is there anything to discover from a game?   I appreciate there is a
>    craft
>    to making a storyline and a craft to in designing the graphics and
>    physics engines, and of course the graphic arts in designing the visual
>    appearance
>    of characters.    But I appreciate the story like I’d appreciate
>    literature
>    or art – I am not an expert in those things, and so I am not a
>    participant –
>    I am merely a consumer.   On the technology side, I can acknowledge
>    that
>    gaming software is sometimes impressive.   But why _bother_ writing it
>    _except_ to sell it?   Another way to ask the question is how is it
>    more
>    significant to be a gamer than, say, a reader of fiction or even a
>    moviegoer?   How is being a gamer a Thing?
>     Marcus
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