Keith, thank you for the tutorial.  I defer to you on the matter of hydrogen
and have to admit I didn't know what I was talking about.  You don't know
how hard that is for me to do.

Ed Weick

----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 3:55 AM
Subject: There ain't no hydrogen

> Ed,
> As you say, I think we've beaten the previous exchange black and blue and
> it's time for us to retire to our respective corners and reflect on the
> good punches that the other might have landed. I will certainly reflect on
> some of the points you have made -- and, when revived, look forward to our
> next scrap!
> However, putting my battered old industrial chemist hat on again -- which
> haven't worn for 25 years or so, having diversified in the meantime into
> architecture, choral music and now evolutionary economics (so help me) --
> I'm going to continue with one point on which you are wrong, and give you
> short tutorial. The reason I am doing this is not to re-engineer your
> cells in particular (though I hope to do that!) but because there is a
> great deal of misinformation generally about how a hydrogen economy can
> come about (particularly by car industry spin doctors). You say:
> <<<<
> I agree that we may be facing a potential crisis with regard to energy.
> However, permit me to be optimistic in thinking that we will resolve it.
> it's hydrogen, we won't have to go to war to ensure our supply. It exists
> in abundance everywhere
>  >>>>
> There is, in fact, no hydrogen in the world. Or, rather there is no
> (chemically) free hydrogen -- apart from a miniscule amount which has
> floated to the top of the stratosphere and then inevitably escapes into
> outer space because it is so light that even Newton's gravitational force
> can't hold it down.
> There is a huge amount of hydrogen on earth but it is all chemically bound
> to other atoms in molecules. It is bound to carbon in the case of living
> organic molecules and also in dead organic molecules as in fossil fuels.
> Also a large amount is bound to oxygen as water. However, to release the
> hydrogen from these molecular prisons requires energy.
> In the case of releasing hydrogen from fossil fuel moledcules, it is
> moderately easy because one uses some fossil fuel molecules to supply the
> energy (by burning them) to break up other fossil fuel molecules,
> their bound-up hydrogen. This hydrogen can then be captured in a
> container. (Hydrogen is a very small molecule and can leak through gaps in
> almost anything.) The hydrogen can then be burned either explosively (as
> a normal type of combustion engine in a car) or slowly and smoothly (as in
> a fuel cell -- from which the useful product is electricity in order to
> drive an electric engine).
> (Most of the 'fuel cell' cars that are spoken about will, in fact, be
> hybrid cars for the next decade or two -- carrying both hydrogen and
> petrol. They will contain a fuel cell+electric motor and a normal
> combustion engine. The fuel cell will deliver a largely unvarying amount
> electricity which will drive the car at up to a moderate and roughly
> constant speed along the flat, but when hills are met or sudden bursts of
> speed are required then the combustion engine will have to cut in. Later,
> when fossil fuels become very expensive, then cars might be 100% fuel cell
> but the sort of fuel cell technology that will then be required for
> practical purposes [that is, for heavy loads or greatly varying speeds] is
> far in advance of anything that can be achieved, or even contemplated,
> Back to the hydrogen that is released from fossil fuels -- and its cost. I
> really don't know the thermodynamic figures off-hand, but a good guess
> would be that at least one half of fossil fuel molecules would be required

> to be burned in order to produce the energy required to release the
> hydrogen from the other half. Thus the cost of running a car with a
> hydrogen fuel tank would be at least twice the cost of running it on
> fuel only. Thus the cost of freight and commuting will be at least twice
> much as it is now and the cost of hydrogen fuel will *always* be at least
> twice as much as the market price of fossil fuel, whatever it happens to
> be. It will never be possible to make hydrogen cheaper (from this source)
> because of its basic derivation.
> There is, of course, a great deal more water in the world than fossil
> fuels. But the energy required to disassociate hydren and oxygen in the
> water molecule, H2O, is a great deal more than in the case of fossil
> Once again I don't know the thermodynamic figures off-hand but it will
> require at least 5-10 times more energy, and even more so if electricity
> used to split the molecule.
> This illuminates the fallacy of the nuclear power lobby which has recently
> persuaded Bush that he must build more nuclear power stations even though
> most of the rest of the developed world are retiring them as quickly as
> possible. Nuclear power stations are very useful to the electricity grid
> because their output can be varied according to surges or sudden
> contractions of demand. (There are, however, other methods of
> achieving  this -- such as local turbines -- which are now becoming just
> economic as large fossil-fuel-burning power stations.) However, proponents
> of nuclear power will point to the electroysis of water and the production
> of hydrogen as being its main advantage. What these spokesmen never say,
> however, is that such hydrogen will be at least 20-30 times more expensive
> than hydrogen produced from fossil fuels.
> Thus, so far, the hydrogen ecxonomy is not going to be the saviour of the
> industrial world (and we must remember that we still live, and always will
> live, in an industrial world of factories, even if most jobs are outside
> the factories). Hydrogen will become increasingly important but, given
> present technologies, it will always be considerably more expensive than
> the naked cost of fossil fuels and, as the latter become increasingly
> expensive (from the distillation of tar sands and shales -- of which you
> Canadians have an abundance), there is no escaping from the fact that the
> whole cost structure of developed economies will change radically -- and
> adversely -- as the years roll by.
> There is, however, another method of releasing hydrogen from water and
> is by means of using specially engineered bacteria which will use energy
> either from fossil fuels (or other chemical molecules) or directly from
> sunlight. At the Ernst Moritz Arndt University in Germany, researchers
> found a way to harvest hydrogen from chemical reactions that occur when E.
> coli consumes sugar. So far, the yield is very lowis and the researchers
> will have to re-engineer the genes of the bacterium in order to make the
> process more efficient. And, of course, the sugar has to be grown in the
> first place, and this requires fertilisers, and this in turn requires
> fossil fuels to make them. Thus the overall efficiency will not be all
> great. The energy gain that will be made eventually is really due to the
> fact that the process is being basically driven by the sunlight that grows
> the sugar in the first place.
> Producing hydrogen from water using sunlight directly as the source of
> energy is another bacterial route being followed by Craig Venter at the
> Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland (and, undoubtedly by
> the Chinese who are at the forefront in most genetic research). Firstly,
> wants to produce a minimum gene-set bacterium. So far, the bacterium with
> the smallest number of genes has about 480 but it is believed that the
> minimum number for an operational bacterium will be about 300. Once this
> attained then Venter's intention is then to add the minimum number of
> requisite genes that will produce hydrogen. He might need another 20-50
> that purpose which will mean a 20-50-stage process of hydrogen production
> within the cell. However, because intracellular molecular process are
> perfectly catalysed with something like 99.5% efficiency, then the overall
> efficiency is likely to be about 70% or so which is about the same as the
> normal energy capture of growing plants (and about twice as much as any
> man-made -- extracellular -- chemical processes). (Incidentally, the
> efficiency of silcon/germanium cell capture of solar energy is about
> and even if it improved it is unlikely ever to reach anywhere near 70%.)
> Thus it is likely that hydrogen can be "grown" in the future using
> practical technology which is similar to agriculture -- sunlight to power
> the system, carbon dioxide from the air, supplies of water and small
> amounts of trace elements. This 'natural' hydrogen will be cheap and can
> produced almost anywhere in the world -- even in the arctic and antarctic
> regions during the months of sunlight. This will totally transform the
> basic economic and political structure of the world, because, virtually,
> only intellectual know-how will be required by way of capital. Terrains
> which are largely unproductive now, such as deserts and mountainous
> regions, will be able to be as productive as the richest alluvial soils --
> so long as enough water and trace elements can be supplied.
> Undoubtedly, large corporation will try to monopolise the production of
> hydrogen by patenting the genetic code of suitable bacteria, but in
> practice this will be going a step too far. There will be enough
> who will make sure that the undeveloped world (often countries with
> lashings of sunlight) are not deprived of the knowledge required. All
> countries will have the potential to energise whatever technology their
> intellectual abilities and cultural 'set' allow them to. Furthermore, the
> basic genetic knowledge that has produced the hydrogen-producing bacterium
> will also in due course be able to develop much more advanced DNA which
> will be able to produce tangible consumer goods -- and probably of higher
> specifications than those of today which uses a basic fossil fuel+
> metal-based technology. For example, spider's silk is many times stronger
> than steel, and the same sort of improvement will be achievable for a
> many other materials and products.
> When will bacterial production of hydrogen begin?  Who knows. The problems
> of adding genes to a minimal bacterium are immense. It is not just a
> of adding specific genes, it is also a matter of the order in which the
> genes are expressed within the living cell, and this depends on
> which sheath the DNA which in turn also depends on genes. So it will be a
> matter of adding a whole complex self-referential system to the basic
> set-up (which doesn't itself disturb the original basic set-up.). This is
> probably going to be the most intellectually difficult problem that
> has ever attempted and its achievement could be anything between ten and a
> hundreds years down the line. No-one can possibly say at this stage.
> However, as fossil fuels become increasingly expensive in the coming
> decades, the prize will be so great that an increasing proportion of
> research funds will be going into the problem.
> This endeth the tutorial.
> Keith Hudson, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath, England,
> <>

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